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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by SNGLIFE

  1. Always, Always fly China Airlines from LAX or SFO
  2. FYI - The various seemingly independent travel agencies located throughout Pattaya are owned by 1 of 2 companies. All of the other "independent" companies get their tickets from either of those 2 companies. Joy Travel is the largest of the 2 (I can't recall the name of the other at the moment, but it's on the opposite corner from Joy Travel at Pattaya Thai/2nd Road). So, just go to Joy Travel. Or simply ask the agent you go to who owns them. Note that those walkie-talkies on the desks are used for inter-office communication so that they aren't tying up each others phone lines and custo
  3. You may also want to think about Udon. Your baht would go about 25-40% further because housing, food, and transportation is about 1/2 what you would pay for the same in the Pattaya/Rayong area and no traffic/pollution worries. You would live like a king on your budget. You can also find women from University students (wicked grin) to elderly ladies who speak english to help take care of you. The owner of the Jan Condotel is almost non-functional, but his wife (can be a bitch at times but in a good way, I suppose) takes excellent care of him from my observations. Also, women seem t
  4. This was the concern I posted when I first saw the new board. The more users, the more useless posts and the more threads. Soon, you will notice a mysterious drop off of user activity as more people get frustrated with keeping up with it all.... Just my 2 satang.
  5. IMHO is the ability to scan all the replies from the top level. As any long-timer knows, the best read posts are usually the replies. Once the new board gets cranking, there will be too many top level posts to scan efficiently, and most will miss out on the good stuff. :-/ Just my 2 satang. Now, back to the shadows... :-X --SNG
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