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Everything posted by OldAsiaHand

  1. Only if your sole test of 'fun' is the ready availability of cheap hookers.
  2. I was in touch with their local reservation office yesterday. They said the hotel would be open "sometime in December" and were accepting reservations from December 1. No special rates were offered.
  3. If you get tired of the usual kind of bar girl books, try some of Jake Needham's stuff instead: KILLING PLATO, LAUNDRY MAN, THE AMBASSADOR'S WIFE, and the all-time classic Thai novel, THE BIG MANGO. All solid crime novels, a lot smarter and a considerably more sophisticated than the go-go bar stuff that you see in Bookazine. Unfortunately, Needham's books have been a little hard to find in Thailand ever since Asia Books started refusing to import them in any quantity quite a few years ago (see www.JakeNeedham.com for the whole story). I did see a new edition of THE BIG MANGO in one of the
  4. Because of the OP's recommendation I dropped in a couple of days ago to have a look around. I don't know what he was smoking when he was there, but it must have been something good. For me, the place was strictly one drink and get the heck out. Legs is just as dreary as the old Misty's was. A few chubby girls, half of them asleep, and obnoxious music being played at earsplitting volume. I was the only customer there and it was easy to understand why. Don't waste your time and money.
  5. I thought the past tense of bullshit was bullshat.....
  6. You will stumble over a lot of self-righteousness here concerning the kind of publicity Pattaya normally gets in the UK. Whether it is justified or not doesn't seem to matter to most folks. Thais are obsessed with protecting Thailand's image and a lot of foreigners here seem willing to join in the process quite enthusiastically. Come, hang out, and write what you see. A lot of people won't like it, but fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.
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