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The Barbarian

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About The Barbarian

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    After a few visits to Amsterdam I was in love with Thai women.
  1. Thanks for the advice guys. I will certainly not be taking amyl nitrate (poppers) to Thailand. To be honest the alarm bells were ringing. This guy only went out last week and it seems a strange oversight on his part to forget them then ask me to bring some... In the UK you can buy them over the counter at sex shops and the sort of shops that sell cannabis smoking paraphenalia. So I'd thought they might be considered quite trivial. Although the fact that they are not readily available in Thailand can only lead me to assume that they are viewed as a controlled drug. Perhaps he feels the r
  2. Thanks to everyone for their advice. In the end I went to Trailfinders and got a six month option on the return. Glasgow to Bangkok via Dubai for £510. The travel agents I spoke to told me I'd need a return rather than a one way. Though that it is the airlines responsibility to ensure this. I have spoken to people who have gone to Thailand on one-way tickets though. I'm excited now, I'll arrive on Wednesday next week. If I could ask one further question, which is not related to this thread... what is the legal status of amyl nitrate (poppers) in Thailand. As someone wants me to
  3. Thanks a lot everyone. Very useful information. Especially about visa's. I'll contact the agents suggested by Cheshire Tom and see what they can come up with. Thanks, The Barbarian !
  4. I'm preparing for my first visit to Thailand. As I have been made redundant from my job, I'm in no hurry to head back to the UK. As I'm sure I'll enjoy expat life in Pattaya ! So I have been phoning round getting prices for open-ended return tickets. The best price I've got so far is £560 with Emirates flying from Heathrow. However on lastminute.com I've seen that I could probably get a one way ticket for £270 - £300. So I was wondering if it would be a cheaper option to get a one way ticket to BKK and then try and find a good deal on flights home when I'm out there. Basically my
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