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About Cookiebear

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  1. Been far to busy with the girls to post any photos yet but Iwill say tat I went to the soi 6 party yesterday and had alot of fun So many girls in happy party mood. Will go back today. Also was later dragged literally up stairs into a Gogo on WS by a huge LB and I was really worried what would be up there. All good it was (mostly) real girls and I ended up enjoying myself immensely. Even bought my new LB friend a drink. Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
  2. Well I arrived last night and had no problems getting to Pattaya from Airport at 1am. Did not see a single soldier anywhere ! But it was very dark so may have missed them. It was rather eery flying over BKK and seeing almost deserted roads but around the airport is busy as is the road to Pattaya but not enough to slow us down. Pattaya was a hopping place at 3am with lots of girls on Walking St and not so many customers. Sent from my SM-T310 using Tapatalk
  3. Wowsers, curfew has been lifted just 2 days before I land
  4. out of curiosity, are there any FLs at all along the cocconut bar during the curfew hours or is it deserted ?
  5. Ha well I have done that a few years ago in BKK, was going down the hotel lift out to prowl and a nice TG pops in one floor down, we smiled and were at it before the lift hit ground I have just read that the curfew does not apply to tourists, so I may take a wander down and have a quick look around (leave wallet etc in hotel of course), only take some baht and copy of passport. My flight is not that long so will not be as shattered as some.
  6. Good day all I am flying into Pattaya next week and assuming the curfew is still in place. My flight arrives late - about 1am, and I would like to know if there is anything I can do to pick up a warm companion after I arrive at about 3am. Are any FLs present at all before the 5am curfew end, or am I better to sleep for a bit, then head out after 5 ? Are there many girls heading out to Beach road at this time perhaps ? I am not a cheap charlie, but I realise that all bars/gogs will be closed and was asuming In would have to get a FL even before the curfew began. I guess
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