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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Reece

  1. Sent - thanks for leaving it open. Cheers
  2. If you can keep it open till thursday (payday) I would appreciate it as I will pop a 50 in. If you have already passed on the money to the family by then, then it can always be put towards covering the cost of the coach etc. Cheers Reece
  3. I will pledge 50 AUD for this thursday (payday).
  4. Ahh - thanks for the off topic comment. I am a bit used to other boards where the main forum is the "shooting the shit" area. I will be more careful of forum topics in future. Edit: well I need to watch the carbs as I work all day on computers - then go home to work more on computers (my web sites). The only excercise I get is walking to the bus stop. I have turned into quite a slug over the last 2 years but don't care in the slightest as long as I can still move around freely.
  5. I am not sure how long it has been out for but I just noticed it the other day: Carlton Pure Blondes. They are actually not a bad drop at all and are full strength. I got a 6 pack first and was impressed enough to buy a carton immediately afterwards. So - whats the benefit of low carb? Less beer gut!!
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