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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About stormtran

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  1. It's not exactly a wedding, just a marriage proposal or something romantic. Opps, rats and dirty? . So, Can I not find out one good place on the beach?
  2. Hi everybody, I am a Thailand visitors. Me and my girlfriend will arrive Pattaya on 31 March. And I plan to marriage proposal to my girl on the Pattaya's beach. But I don't have any friends there that can help me to prepare some simple things. And I still waiting the resuit from my hotel when I tried to ask them for their help. But seems I should be prepared plan B for myself. So, anybody here can help me show some locations/places that I can buy some candles or flowers ?? ^^ And, where is the best place?? ^^ I tend to find one empty beach on Pattaya that I can organize my proposal.
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