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Woger Wabbit

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About Woger Wabbit

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  1. I am planning to get a 60 day tourist visa before I go, only costs about £25 which is about the same you pay for a visa run plus lose a day. I had considered the visa run option but heard they check your plane tickets coming in and if you have a return flight more than 30 days they wont let you in. Could be wrong here but for a small amount of money saves having the risk. As for the 32 days, the decision was purely based on holidays I had available and wanting to max my time back in Thailand. Thanks to the folks posting some ideas for places to stay much appreciated. If anyone
  2. Hey Everyone, Heading back to Pattaya again in December, normally only stay for a few weeks but this time I'm going for 32 days, woohoo! I normally stay at a hotel but was thinking a monthly rental would make more sense as I'm staying a bit longer. I was hoping you could give me some advice on where is a good apartment to stay at. Looking for somewhere not too far from beach road (upto 5mins walking distance or thereabouts), guest friendly, fan or both fan and aircon, guest friendly around 15-20,000 baht/month mark. I heard Metro Apartments near Soi Diana Inn was pret
  3. Thanks for all your advice! With your help and the hotel reviews I think I'm sorted. Was talking to one of my mates who went to Pattaya last year and all he could say was awesome!
  4. Hi everyone, A quick question. In Feb is it best to stay in Pattaya before, during or after the Chinese New Year? I know its on 9-12th Feb this year. Is everything closed during that time, can you get buses, taxis etc. Any problems during that time. Is it good to catch the New Year celebrations? Any advice thoughts are most welcome! Thanks for your help, Woger Wabbit
  5. Hey all, I am planning to head out to Pattaya in Feb (first time in Thailand). I was wondering if it will be easy to find a decent hotel room at that time of the year near the nightlife and doesn't mind guests. Anyone have any advice on good places to stay and if I need to book in advance? Cheers!
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