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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About asiaexpat

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  1. I have all the paperwork my question is whether or not I can get my license from the Pattaya office if I have a Bangkok address in my work permit. thankyou
  2. I need to get my drivers license-my work permit has a bangkok address--is it possibloe to still get the license from the pattaya office-uisngf the bangkok address? thanks
  3. thanks for the replies but I think its not quite so easy--the required paperwork could be the problem as i live in bangkok and I believe they will require a letter from immigration stating a valid pattaya adresss--which i dont have--that is why a service that does all this crap would be useful
  4. Is there any service that does drivers thai driverslicenses in pattaya--i live and work in bangkok but will eventually retire in pattaya and i dont want to go throught the hassle of getting as license in bangkok i heard of a servive that for about 3000 baht they would do all the paperwork etc--and i would only have to show up at the motor vehicle dept to sign and pick up the actual license. anyone can help??
  5. Bill Unless you really need to be close to your GF's home I would not recommend the Novotel Bangna. There is nothing within walking distance and with the construction at bangna highway it will take you an hour to get into the city. One good thing its a short taxi ride to Seri Center and Secon Square 2 big shoping centers
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