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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Ready2Retire

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    United States
  1. Thank you for the information. It looks like that answers my question about getting insurance far ahead of moving over, pretty much a no. I am concerned about no coverage for over 75 years of age, is that normal? What happens when you turn 75 in Thailand, are you pretty much on your own? That's scary unless you have a good support network. In doing a search online, I saw many references to Mister Prakan which is an insurance broker so I used their quote function. The cheapest quote for a 57 year old for Pacific Cross was 14,670 baht. Following are what is covered: Wo
  2. Thank you, yes I figure that it's not going to be a huge difference in cost if I wait for a few more years. If I get one will definitely exclude USA coverage, and will probably have to scale back some features to lower the cost. I'm doing pretty okay healthwise and I think moving to Thailand will actually improve things because I will be a lot more active and watch my diet better. I hope never to need assisted living but seeing how my dad is very old and has no means to finance long term care spooks me. If something should happen in the future and I have to move back hopefully by then Me
  3. Hi everyone nice to meet you first time poster here from America. My ultimate future goal is to move to Thailand long term preferably Chiang Mai area for cost and also natural beauty. And yes I have visited that area several times. My plan is to work as much as I can for a few more years until I hit my late 50's. Slowly but surely my body is failing me and I realistically cannot last long enough to collect social security at 62 years of age. I did the numbers and I should have enough saved and invested to last me until then. I am starting to do more research on Thailand expats.
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