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About derrian

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  1. Thanks for all the replies. Fortunately for my other half, I am VERY broad-minded! We are not swingers, but I'm happy for him to do his own thing etc. Anyway, have been and booked flights to-day, so it's too late!!
  2. Hi, I've spent quite a while looking at various sites about Bangkok and Pattaya and although I've learnt a lot, I've never seen any mention of a guy taking his Mrs to Pattaya..........yeah, I know, it's like taking coal to Newcastle! So my question is this, although I am extremely broad-minded, will I stand out like a sore thumb in Pattaya? Do blokes actually take their wives there, or is Hubby going to look a total tosser for bringing the wife? If wives do go to Pattaya, is it ok to go to the bars or do they get "hit"on too? I'd be grateful for any advice as we're about to book fl
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