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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About leedoncaster

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  1. Many thanks Little Roy & Growler. No need to worry about so called "negative press" I have no intention to write offensive or derogatory remarks or comments. This style of exploitative journalism only ends up biting you back, on the ass later. Your correct Little Roy, regarding getting out to Pattaya and doing research on the ground, but with that many bars and Go Go Bars, I wouldn't know where to start and finish. Thats the main reason I requested so called pointers. In April I will have the pleasure, or pleasures of visiting Thailand and Pattaya. Anyway many thanks and wishin
  2. Hi All, Just wondering if anyone can assist me in researching my article about Pattaya for a Mens Magazine in the UK (Not top shelf, I ain't that lucky) The assignments are based around the Pattaya's nightlife ect, so I am looking for assistance where to go to visit when i arrive and what to do. I have never been to Pattaya and looking forward to visiting in April 06, if anyone has any ideas or any helpful advise, please let me know... Thanks for your help and look forward to hear from you, Lee.
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