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About garty

  • Rank
    New Poster

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  • Location
    Liverpool England
  1. I have the chance of renting a new town house in chockthai village but cant find any information on it on the web. Can anyone help with information , location, transport to and from, local points of interest? :)
  2. can anyone tell me if I would be heading into trouble if I got a single fare flight into Bangkok? Its my intention to stay in LOS long time when I next get to go there, why spend on a return when I dont need to? Garty
  3. Yep, its me again. I loved the place so much I want to get back and stay for about 3/4 months. This however raises a lot of new quetions to be answerd. Would it be better to get a single flight from the uk and book a return flight in Pattaya when I did need to go back? Indeed , can I do that easy enough? To stay for that long I would need to be very careful of my funds, what kind of cost would it be to hire a room for that kind of period? There are I bet , things I have not thought of yet, if any of you guys can help with a
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