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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About vipw

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  1. Just read this on asiatravel site - Lek hotel: From 22 May - 13 June 2006, hotel will close the elevator of the main building in order to change to the new one. Sorry for inconvenience caused. Just so that you guys who are planning on staying there in that period (like me) know what to expect (alot of stair climbing) /vipw
  2. Very nice pix every day! Thank you for taking the time. A photo or 2 of the entrance to soi 13 taken from second road would be much appreciated java script:emoticon('') smilie /vipw
  3. thanks hanylek, I will give it a go. /vipw
  4. Hi, "newbie" here. Would like to ask you guys who booked in advance and got the discount price of B1000 for a standard room in the new wing. Did you have to pay in advance too? I emailed them asking for a long stay discount and they got back today with something like: "Ok, B1000/night but you have to pay in advance" I'm going to stay for 20 nights in june and I don't feel comfortable with paying the whole amount, B20 000 in advance!? Paying for a few nights to validate the booking should be fare enough, no? /vipw
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