Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.
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In collaboration with a couple of other helpful BMs, the server will be switched over to another platform in the next two weeks. The switch day depends to a great extent on all parties not being hungover and awake of the day of the switch, including yours truly When the switch occurs, I will announce it beforehand in this section, but the warning will be brief, as I need to shut down the current server to synchronize files and databases to the new server. Once that is done, we will switch to the new server without losing any messages. So, be aware that at some time in the next tw
The pattayatalk server has been having problems today, and continues to be sluggish or non-responsive at times. This is the result of a "helpful" automatic update that the server system is pushing to pattayatalk...it's using up all the resources on the server, it appears. I was told not to interrupt the update, and so it will just be a matter of waiting until it finishes before the server is back to its normal self.