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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

Too many subject headings

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I will say the one thing that has turned me off on this new board is the subject headings.  There are too many sections to keep track of.  It used to be just one place with a stream of msg's that you could pick from. Now you have to look all over the place to find things and it has lost some of what made it special.


That and there seem to be more useless posts just for the sake of saying something.  Like there is a prize for most posts..you know who are.  


Just my two baht.  :-[

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This was the concern I posted when I first saw the new board.  The more users, the more useless posts and the more threads.  Soon, you will notice a mysterious drop off of user activity as more people get frustrated with keeping up with it all....


Just my 2 satang.

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