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  • Birthday 01/26/1961

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  1. IN EXACTLY 14 days time i will be arriving in pattaya for my 26th visit so i am not naive or a newbie i just find some of the posts on this thread absurd and totaly stupid one thing stands out for a fact all the guys who visit pattaya have different tastes and agendas some are looking to top the butterfly league some are after a girl long time myself i have had long term girls in los but now dont want anymore so i dont take a girl for anymore than 2 nights. regarding hell/eden clubs i have only been to eden club one time i enjoyed it but to be honest it was not quite my thing so hav
  2. MY first visit was in march 1993 and then it was 38 bhat to the pound£ but hotels were cheeper ,drinks were cheeper and most importantly the girls were cheeper, i must be totaly honest here i am far from a cheap charlie i come to thailand and spend an average of 8,000 bhat a day so if the bhat falls below 63 bhat to £ i will be giving LOS A BODY swerve for some time and discovering angeles city in philipines i am coming for 17 days in july thats 17x8ooo bhat = 136.000 bhat at my last visit in november that would have been £1,835 but if it falls to 63 bhat then that would be £
  3. As my countryman sibinjack says take whatever you can afford and hope to take some home there is no definitive answer to the question as we are all different people and what you spend depends on several things where you stay-your age-what you eat-and most importantly how many ladies you have and where you get them a go go girl will cost you double the price of a beer bar grl and take it from me 21 visits to pattaya i have had just as many beutiful girls form beer bars as from go go bars basically you will have to do your 1st visit there to know how your spending will go and the
  4. ye thats me dave in all my glory 55555555555 do you live in pattaya if so i will see you for a couple in july 8-9-10 are you the dave who owns the blues cafe
  5. Hi guys i am new to the board i am 41 years old from Ayrshire in scotland, although i am new to the board i am not new to LOS this july i will be making my 21st visit to LOS and each and every visit has included a stay of some description in Pattaya , i used to stay only in bangkok and pattaya but now i also include patong and to end each holiday a few days in huahin to chill out before going home i normally always stay at the carlton hotel on soi 5 2 road but this time when i come as it is only a short visit to pattaya 4 days i will finally stay at the penthouse hotel (its owned by a mate
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