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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About jimllewe

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  1. Hi ...I did not mean to offend anyone by posting my findings...I can see the point of a condo being trashed ,but surely that is not commonplace. I doubt very much if 25000baht would cover a trashed apartment so passport details would ensure the culprit is apprehended before leaving the country. 25000 baht might not be a lot of money to some people but it is to me. I have been quoted a maximum of 20% from other agencies with more expensive properties. All I was doing was making people aware before they spend their time finding out for themselves. ALL comments are appreciated. Cheers
  2. Hi Thank guys.....5000 would be acceptable to cover water and electricity. thanks for your comments.
  3. Hi all. I found an apartment on Fair Properties site that suited my wife and I perfectly at 25000baht. I have to admit that the E Mail response was excellent and our questions were answered immidiately. However when it got to the nitty gritty they wanted 25000baht deposit outwith the months rent. I mean...what merits this....It seems their policy is to charge a deposit equal to a months rent (ie) 25000 or 35000 depending on the apartment. Needless to say I wont be using Fair Properties to aquire an apartment. If everybody does the same they might come to their senses. I think they want
  4. Hi...Yes its a nice hotel but they have hiked their rates to nearly double. It is definately not GF. There are notices up to the effect that under no cicumstances are guests allowed in the rooms. The pool is great ..but I would not go back. Two english ladies (elderly) were reprimanded at the pool for eating an apple. All food consumed must be bought from the hotel. The location is only a minutes walk to the baht bus. Hope this helps. Cheers jimllewe.
  5. Thanks for the info...will certainly give it a try. Cheers JL
  6. My wife and I have tried Fair Properties and they can only offer 1 to let out of the hundreds they have on file. If anyone knows of an apartment in View Talay which is clean and roomy please let me know. Cheers JL
  7. I will be coming to Pattaya in February and would like to know if anybody has any info on the complex. Is it clean--well or poorly run--girl friendly--quiet or noisy--etc etc. Any info appreciated.
  8. Has anyone stayed at the above resort. Do the rooms have safes or is there deposit boxes at reception? Any info appreciated as we are thinking of going in October. We have stayed at the Woodlands next door which is now a bit pricey and there are now a lot of restrictions.... Cheers to all
  9. We are thinking of coming again to Pattaya but this time for the last 3 weeks in October. Any info on the weather appreciated.
  10. My wife and I are looking for an apartment to rent for 3 months-Jan-March 07 Preferably with a pool and security. Would like a room safe. Any info appreciated.
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