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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About antony_pattaya_555

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  1. Thanks for your reply OMW. Where was your hotel kdc ?
  2. I opened a saving account at the Bangkok Bank. Very easy to open (Passport) and I have a Visa card with my account. I managed to wire money on my saving account without problem from France. I am very pleased with the bank. My visa card was stolen when sleeping in my hotel during my last trip and managed to have it cancelled without difficulty. To get a new one the same day, I should have paid 300 bath otherwise it was free. So I recommend this bank. It's a stated owned bank with very good currency rates.
  3. Hello guys, I will come back from Budapest to Paris on August 19. So I will search again for a condo at the end of August. I already have a few good offers but I will make my choice only late August or beginning September. I am still open to your suggestions. Thanks in advance Bye. Antony
  4. Thanks for your help guys. I do appreciate your advice. But now I am a bit privy to Pattaya so I become more demanding. Gabor, I have family in Budapest so don't worry for me. I remember the time not far away when Hungarian girls were not wearing any bras, especially when doing sport!!! That was so cute!!! But now they are European, they are free!!!
  5. Hello Guys, thanks for your replies. First I am still in Paris, so that's difficult to go now to Alamo Bar in Soi 8. I would prefer renting the flat from Paris though I know it's not the best solution. But I have been several times in Pattaya so I can appreciate the location. Gabor thanks for your condo offer but for now it's a bit expensive. I will be in Budapest in a few days. So far I found 3 hotels at around 10000 baths monthly or less in Pattaya or Jomtien. What about Jomtien Beach Condominium ? Thanks for your help. Antony
  6. Hello, Any suggestions for a simple, quiet and clean condo in Pattaya close to night life ? Rent should start beginning October at around 10000 baths a month? Thanks for your reply. Antony
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