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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About kolah

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  1. Thanks for your help. I came to Pattaya and took a look. The rooms are only 8 months old, so they are clean and "no-frills". The rooms on the right all have balconies overlooking the bay. Very striking. The rooms on the left are slightly larger but with no views. The ocean side is 1500 baht per night. The other side is 900 baht per night. (as of Dec 8,2013) From the agoda reviews it sounds like the wifi is sketchy and it is noisy at night. It would still be interesting to hear from some forum members who may have stayed here.
  2. On my last visit I noted someone built hotel rooms above the beer bars that are in front of the Pattaya Beer Garden. My questions are: 1. What is the name of this new small hotel? 2. Has anyone had experience staying there and if so can you elaborate. Thanks so much for any help.
  3. Hi Pete Here is a "far out" suggestion for improving afternoon attendance at PBG. Since it is always hot there in the afternoons, why not feature an ice cream bar? I have a Thai gf who visited the USA. She fell in love with Coldstone ice cream. For those not familiar with this American ice cream store, it features a cold marble slab. Upon this is scooped ice cream of whatever flavor(s) one desires. Then assorted "toppings" of your choice are mixed into the ice cream. They give tiny tastes of the wares before buying if you ask. I think the lowest price version in the USA is about $5 usd. The
  4. Anytime we are happy with something it is hard to change to something else. Reminds me of the resistance of the oldtimers in changing from DOS to Windows. "Who needs all those pictures?" Pretty hard to find a dos fan now. Same thing here. This will be an obvious improvement assuming no bugs and good speed. By the way, hope you all like the moniker. I've changed from khun_gary to kolah for this new board. The next time you are sitting with your beautiful young BG "du jour" just listen if she doesn't say my name...kolah
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