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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About AnonymousGuy

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  • Birthday 09/12/1910

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  1. Can anyone tell me the best place to find Beef Wellington in Patts??
  2. I normally stay at Club Blu on Soi Buakow. The rooms are nice, free FAST wi-fi, cleaned everyday...and best of all, it only costs me about 13k-13,500 baht per month. Unfortunately, they are already fully-booked for the month I'll be in Pattaya. I've always seen countless guesthouses/hotels on Soi Buakow and Soi LK Metro, but I can't remember any of their names to look them up. Does anyone have any recommendations on places that have approximately the same price? Thanks in advance!
  3. My tilac has no idea what the Wat Mongkol market is. Any chance you can give me further directions? Also...how much do you think she will be charging for a suit? Won't the quality be the same as the the indian tailors since she's going to the same factories? THANKS! :)
  4. In Pattaya, the best pizza I've had recently was actually at "Good Fellas" on Walking Street/Marine. 180 Baht, the pizza will only fill up one person, but i LOVE it:) Also, try the GlobeTrotter on Central Pattaya Road. It's a hotel/restaurant. The pizza here is definitely good.
  5. My plane arrives shortly after midnight on May 12/May 13 (the night of May 12, early morning May 13). Anyone wanna share a taxi? I'm headed directly to Pattaya. -J
  6. JS & Obsession...thanks for the help you guys! Carbine...thanks soooooooo much for your detailed reply. Glad you participated in the thread. I'll keep you posted on what prices i get. Thanks again!
  7. thanks for the replies so far fellas... now, how do I go about actually finding these places?? finding the guest house? finding for-rent condos in View Talay? Thanks!
  8. I'll be arriving in Patts on approximately May 5th, and I'll be staying until approximately June 1st (give or take 2-3 days). I normally stay at the Sunshine Residences on Soi 8, but I dont feel like dropping 30,000+ Baht for my lodging for the month. Does anyone have any other recommendations? I'd like a place that is close to the Baht Bus route, has a balcony, and has AC. I'm trying to stick to no more than 12,000 THB or so for the month. Anyone out there to point me in the right direction?
  9. My tirak used to stay at Prima Place...and she complained about how fucking noisy the place was. I think the walls were made of paper. We got the mini-suite room. Is that how this place is? Anyone know?
  10. All I've seen on the net in regards to bungalows on Koh Samet is resorts that are like 2700 baht per night? Isn't there ANYTHING nice on this island for a decent LOS price?? Anyone know of anything? Anyone stayed at Ao Prao resort?
  11. Damnit I'd give anything to be there that night. Coyotee's was probably my favorite place in Pattaya. HAVE FUN EVERYONE! JC:)
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