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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Edpod

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  1. Well guys you had better book quick as places are going for next Thursday's trip. Which will have wenches, I mean guests from Bang Chang.
  2. Another Pirates day/treasure hunt is being scheduled for the 4th Nov but which type of day out would you go for? A day out on the water where you can take your lady friend or family Or A deep sea debauchery style trip with some invited guests courtesy of (Bang Chang) and the sort of trip you maybe would not want to bring along the girlfriend or family. Those interested in joining the trip should contact Ken on 0870399353 Or email ken@pattayapartyboat.com It is confirmed that we shall be having guests pirate wenches from Bang Chang on Thursday the 4th, so if you have
  3. Well due to popular demand we are going to be doing regular Friday night squid fishing nights. Anyone interested in joining one of our evenings out on the water should contact us by the Wednesday of the week (phone number on the poster) so we can include you on the trip.
  4. I am just a customer of the bar and a friend of the owners
  5. Hi Guys Just to let you know the Fantasy Bar in Simon Beer Bar 2 is having it's 1st Anniversary Party on the 1st August. All welcome.
  6. Why not join us for an evening of Partying whilst watching the International Firework Festival. Just an update. We now hear the fireworks will be launched from barges moored just off the beach.
  7. Get back around midnight and can check out facebook Pattaya Party Boat many pictures on there
  8. Friday evening Squid fishing anyone? Departing on the Edina from Bali Hai Pier every Friday at 6.30pm prompt we will head out and enjoy the sun set, whilst finding a suitable fishing spot. Fishing tackle provided or bring your own. We then deploy our halogen lamps and have a relaxing time fishing for this local delicacy, whilst having a cold beer or two. Beer and food included in the price, sensible restrictions apply.* We return around 11pm so there is still plenty of time to enjoy the other local attractions of Pattaya. Cost per person including food and drink* 1,650B Thai partn
  9. Managed to get my hands on a few more photos for you guys
  10. Hi Guys, well started to get some new talent in the bar and the ago-go with a bit of luck will be up at the end of the month. Why not pop in and see some of the new girls at Fantasy bar, which is located in the new Simon beer bar complex 2, Walking Street. Hope to see you soon.
  11. I guess I was in a different place than some of you guys. I went with a mate of mine from the U.K a couple of weeks ago and was told it was the first night. If so I was not impressed with the selection of girls. Many of them seemed well past the sell by date. it maybe the all the best one's were out already but it was not later than 10pm when I got into the place. However the place was big and I agree it could have some potential. Music was so so. If this was the first night of opening I felt the place had little atmosphere. One other comment there did not seem to be any manager on hand to mak
  12. Hi Jboy, It is a good job I am cautious when reading the board when I am in my bar of who might be standing behind me! IE Nim Hi Mate see you back in Pattaya soon. It looks like you havce one or two stories to tell me about Also was this one one of the ones for potential Bangkok? Edpod Eddie
  13. Gabors plane over 11 hours late arrival Taxi service he booked still picked him up. How many services would do that?
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