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About beerforme

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  1. Glad everyone who attended the party had fun, and yes the place was crammed, there was no expense spared with all the dancers etc, and we were that busy, people were standing outside at one point! Sorry to those who couldn't attend! Cheers for posting the photos Rocky, not seen any of the coyote dancers though! Just translated into English that hasn't been raped.
  2. Agreed, but Keith posts on my board from beyond the grave.
  3. You could do the right thing and post the recipe. We have many resident chefs there, Ainsley, Gordon, Anthony, Jamie, and a few others.
  4. Nice of you to kick a man when he was down. It wasn't bad, I ate there a few times, but it wasn't shit. Wanker
  5. Don't tell Mulphy that, he still believes his gaff is as popular as it was then when Pattaya had tourists
  6. I have been to many parts of the world, excluding India, but I can still say categorically that you will never get a curry anywhere near as good as you can get in England, especially the NW. The English really 'invented' the curry-that is took the raw, simple concept and turned it into the multitude of gorgeous dishes we know today. www.cunts-r-us.net
  7. try www.cunts-r-us.net anyone can get onto that one, but you have to qualify!
  8. Looks good C best of luck www.cunts-r-us.net
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