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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by GreenSlime

  1. Don't pay over 20-25k baht per month for a house. A little tip for you........Look on the opposite side of Sukhumvit. You will notice a HUGE price and availability difference from the beach side.
  2. Are any of you slimey bastages "salad tossers" as well?
  3. Burger King beach road open 24/7 babay! Make sure to order extra green slime on your Whopper! Your Friend, GreenSlime
  4. Yeah know Norsey, I been watchin' you. And I know, that you know, that I know, that you know, that I know......you want to faulk me up the arse. So when I count to three, I'll bed over and you START FAULIN'! 5555! Classic Eddie Murphey stuff there mate! A bit of class? I AM THE SLIMEY ONE! And I love to spread my green slime as much as possible, and on as many people as possible. Classy? You might call me the class of the trash! Your Friend, GreenSlime
  5. Who the "h" "e" "double hockey sticks" is this Big Chief? Is he a slimey faulker too? IMHO, there are never any ignorant people. Everyone has something to offer to someone else. Some just have spread more slime that's all. I will be back in Thailand in March '07, hope to meet some members. Your Friend, GreenSlime
  6. I do not agree with your 3-5 days for the symptoms. When I eat "sum tum bplah",very spicey, and follow it with some beers, I can expect a serious and urgent explosion of "brown slime" within 3 - 4 hours. FACT! Food posioning does not take 3-5 days to cause symptoms. FACT! Slime me, dine me, and blow me green weiny too! Your Friend, GreenSlime
  7. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! Dude! Post your issues in the technical questions section of the board. How would you like your green slime served sir? Your Friend, GreenSlime
  8. Bluesky??????????????????? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?????????????????????? aka Blueeyes.....aka Harris Black??????????????????????? He was just outed on another forum using the Bluesky handle. You blokes need to keep up with the times! May your slime be green, and may your queen be slimey! Your Friend, GreenSlime
  9. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP! I would like to take this chance to say that THE SLIMEY ONE HAS ARRIVED! I look forward to spreading my slime all over this forum, and also letting you know the best places in Pattaya to spread your own slime. I want not only to exploit this forum, but also give a little slime back! Your Friend, GreenSlime
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