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About andys

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  1. Stayed a few days in October, Rooms nothing special , although were clean. There is a friendly and busy bar downstairs and it's right in the thick of the LK /Diane area. I paid 600 bht for a decent sized Balcony room. I think they have cheaper rooms. I wouldn;t commit to somewhere for more than a night or two unless i'd stayed there before.
  2. I stayed at the Eastiny Plaza last Easter. Excellent all round budget hotel. Good location, comfy well appointed rooms. Decent pool, and OK buffet style breakfast included. Superb value all round staying in a standard room. Want to stay again this time around but want to find out how thing stand regarding bringing two girls back to the room. Can Anybody help?
  3. Have 3 nights booked at Metro Apartments for when I arrive in LOS at the end of March, but want to keep my options open for the rest of my Hols. Iwould like to do a three day trip yo Koh Chang with a TG then return and get a good accommodation deal. Maybe somewhere more upmarket. Pricewise, is it better to turn up and negotiate or to book in advance using internet and card? Any advice appreciated Andy
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