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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About smokinjoe

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  1. Heyyyy where is Ferocious and Top cat now? Like I said boys..... keep putting on those hard earned pounds on the pommy chokers!
  2. The poms win a couple of one dayers against the aussies.... ho hum how boring... we've been kicking your arse for the past 20 years back to allan border.... just keeping betting those pounds fellas... its making us aussie punters lick our lips with those odds of the poms beating the aussies getting shorter!
  3. ROFLMFAO.... didnt the poms start counting their chickens before the last say 4 or 5 ashes series, which australia won quite comfortably.... Well if you want to throw away your hard earned pounds Ferocious... up to you!
  4. Reece thanks for this informative thread! Nah seriously mate, long time no see! Still going to sheraton in Brissie? Cheers Mate
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