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Everything posted by Thaiempire

  1. I'm looking at getting a Trek 4500, what do you have comparable and how much? Hi, Sorry. Have nothing for sale at the moment. All the best. Paul.
  2. Jomtien beach bicycle club meet on Monday,Wed,and Friday at 9am outside the Sports Bar in Jomtien Beach Condominium.You can hire a bicycle for the ride at 50baht this includes tea or coffee when you get back.
  3. Sorry about the delay reply.Problems with the camera at the moment,but if you can pop in i will show you the shop.
  4. We have our boxing day ride.Anybody can come along.We meet outside the Sports Bar at 12am.
  5. Dropped the price to 3.2 mil for the shop.If you buy the shop you have an option to buy a condo in A3 no sea view for 590,000.
  6. We ride Monday,Wednesday,Friday and Sunday.I carry a small first aid kit,mobile phone,repair kit,multi wrench spanner.We have an emergency contact number.Its a social group,and the ride usually lasts 1 hour with a water break.On Sunday we go out for a longer run.This Sunday we went to Wat Yan.Hope this is of some help.
  7. Its 50 baht and that includes tea or coffee at the end.
  8. To be honest its not easy.I have the Sports Bar in S2.I have free internet,free Pool,free food on football nights,free library with dvds,free prize draw/raffle last night was bottle of chivas.bicycle club 50baht for a trip with the club. includes tea or coffee at the end,live football,Pool league team that includes a free taxi to away games there and back,chang is 50 baht,and its not easy.Be warned.
  9. The 3.5 mil is or near offer.If you do buy the shop from me,you will have the option to buy a condo in A3 for 650,000.
  10. Its in S 2 .Unit number 14 next to the Bicycle Club.
  11. Have a unit for sale next to the Bicycle Club.Price is 3.5 mil ono.If you buy the Unit i will also sale you a Unit in A3 for 690,000 baht.50/50 on all fees for both sales.And of course you will get a free LA mountain bike.
  12. Latest picture of the bicycle club taking a water break after our 9am ride.Tony,David,Joe,Richard,David and Martin.
  13. Its jomtien beach road.Its after Villa Narvin,and they have just built a new Family Mart.The Complex is called Jomtien Beach Condominium.After soi 9.
  14. Its 65 sq metres.Has living accomodation at the back and a rear entrance.I have put an extra toilet in so you can seperate the unit for commercial use and the room at the back. Unit is in my name.5,2OO BAHT is the maintenance fee.3.5 mill is the asking price with 50/50 on all costs.Tax/ land registry.
  15. I am looking at getting some insurance cover for the Bicycle club,but have not found anything yet.
  16. I agree with all the above comments.Its a great place to stay,and live. The expat community is great.Everybody looks after one another.There is also a Library and bicycle club, that are run from the Sports bar in S2.
  17. Always cycling to Pattaya.Let me know where you are staying and i will drop a card in with a map on the back.
  18. Its next to Villa Navin.They have just built a new family Mart right outside the complex.We are in S2.And you will see the Raleigh Chopper outside the bar.Next ride is on Monday at 9am.
  19. Some of the riders that went to Wat Wan on Wednesday.Our next longer ride will be on Sunday 12th December meet outside the Sports Bar at 10am.
  20. The bicycle club met on Wednesday at 1pm outside the Sports bar in Jomtien Condominium.We had a group of 6 people.We then went to Wat Wan.We returned at 4pm.Great trip and everybody enjoyed it.We will be having another longer trip every Wednesday.All welcome.
  21. We have now formed the JOMTIEN BEACH BICYCLE CLUB.We will be having a special ride to Wat Wan on Wednesday 1st December.Meet at the Sports Bar Jomtien Beach Condominium at 1pm.All welcome.
  22. Thanks.Look forward to seeing you on Monday 29th November.
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