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About goyathlay

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    Junior Poster

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  1. Surely the whole point of Pattaya being what it is that you can have a holiday with endless amount of eye-opening experiences if you want or you can have a quiet holiday by the sea in an upmarket hotel with all the western luxuries or anything else in between. It really is up to you and surely that's the attraction of the place.
  2. A restaurant in Ridgewood in Queens NY, so popular that they had no name outside, never advertised, opened 7.00pm Wed to Sun and was always full. They let us Irish in 'cos we were neighbours & we the girls did the talking! A real family run place, mom & pop cooked the food the daughters served it up. Some of the cast of NYPD Blue eat there all the time, I have never eaten a frozen pizza since...
  3. Good price, but not direct I presume? I was thinking of going through Heathrow but didn't fancy the extra flight.
  4. Couldn't find that deal anywhere on Club Travel website.. Best deal at the moment i found is KLM via Amsterdam - €508
  5. Don't hire a motorbike get involved with freelancers on Beach Road get in an argument with thai men Do drink when your thirsty shag beautiful women whenever you like try not to cry when you're leaving Enjoy!!
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