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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About crazy_gman

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  1. It was a great Olympics, but have to say I am kinda glad it is over, I live 1 block from Robson and Grainville and it has been crazy!! Only got 4 days for my liver to heal and then off on Friday to Patts for a well deserved rest.
  2. Adam, congrats! as per our talk a couple weeks ago, hopefully this will allow you more time on CB Soi 8 and also some time to relax a little.. I will be back in November looking forward to a few more Jager shots... Gman
  3. Hey Adam, when you gonna post some pics?? I know you have some cuz you took a good picture of me and my friend that I want to see.... gman
  4. Adam, it was great seeing you last night!! I really hope you can make it through the slow times.. Oh ya, double Jagger shots?? Nice work!! Gman
  5. Think I am going through the same thing haha, I will try and swing by for a few... Gman
  6. That is the normal price from Toronto, I am flying out from Vancouver Jan 9th and I got a screaming deal, $929.00 including all taxes... As for hotels, it really depends on what you are looking for, in Bangkok I stay at Majestic Suites, but I normally only stay in Bangkok for 2 or 3 days, this place is great location and not bad rooms, free internet, no pool, but you can use the really nice pool at the Majestic Grand which is a block away. Or if you want to spend a little more stay at the Majestic Grande. In Pattaya, I always stay at Pattaya Bay Resort, great hotel, nice rooms, nice pool,
  7. I will be there June 23rd.. Rain ir shine they still serve beer in the bars.. crazy_gman
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