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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About Flipsmurf

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  1. Myself & Friend are staying at LK Mansions now...They are open for business but could never really explain why they don't answer the E-Mails. We are staying in Deluxe Studio Rooms with the couch & table and like it just fine. Also checked Jasmine Mansion and Jasmine Hotel both are nice but neither have a Pool....! Flipsmurf
  2. Hey Dude flying out of Charlotte is tough but do what I do...get a US Air or Air Trans flight to LAX and then take Eva, Cathay or China Air. I'm leaving in 3 weeks for $1100 which is the Highest I've ever had to pay for a Trip to Asia but it's worth it. Anyway Check these websites and see if they can help. Angel Travel Best Travel Store Asia Air Airfare.com
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