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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About macam

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  1. They are actually debiting the UK pension in the European law courts because of that so you never know you may get index linked
  2. They changed the tax laws about working and living outside the UK a couple of years ago; before if you were outside the UK for ten months you could automatically claim your tax back but now you have to prove where you have been paying tax to claim your UK tax; so what I think they are looking for is are you paying tax in Thailand; if yes this would make you exempt from paying in the UK ‘however’ If you can prove you have lived outside the UK (I believe for four years) there should not be a problem. You may also consider registering with the UK tax man informing him you are no longer living in
  3. If it is your intention on going out most nights then stay where it is more convenient, try looking at Naklua there are some lovely condos around there and arguably the best beach in Pattaya area.
  4. Little Johnny walks into his parents room one day and sees his mum on top of dad "mum what you doing "he says. His mum rather embarrassed says "well Johnny I'm moving up and down on your dad and it helps his belly go flat". " Hours later Little Johnny says to his mum "that wont get dad's belly flat mum, because every time you go out shopping the wife next door comes in and blows it back up again.
  5. The weather here is like anywhere around the world unpredictable so it could rain at any time as Pattayahappy said don’t worry about the weather just get on with enjoying yourself. I just put that a little bit different. macam
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