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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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About spiderdaz

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    Junior Poster

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    United Kingdom

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  1. watching it now chanel 3 on that site is working fine
  2. just watched the liverpool game on here it was pay per view on tv boxing is on in 90 minits hay vrs harison give it a try http://watchonlinelive.info
  3. il b in los from november 15th til mid febuary and in pattaya quite often was gona b south for christmas new years but how the weathers been maby il have christmas in patts this year look forward to meeting a few board members around cherry bar and lk metro :)
  4. hi evry one few of you may already know im a keen fisherman as im in thailand for long trip its also nce to get away from the bars now and then fresh water fishing in thailand is great cheap and prety easy a total novice can b catching nice size fish(up to 15 kilo) in minits theres fishing parks all over thailand that charge a couple of hundred baht a day includeing a rod and bait i bring my own set up from uk as im a keen fisherman and im after the bigger fish most my trips r based in cha am and pattaya so iff any one wants to lern to fish o just wants a day out mesage me on here i
  5. good on them was only big ing up livin dolls the other day always a faverit with me one question for evry one woud it of been same story if the guy from liveing dolls was thai/ie thai management ? i doubt that very much enjoy rest of your trip maby see you soon if you in town next week
  6. mr t taxi if you look in the other section of this forum you wil see him there i just bookd the other day his charge is 1000 baht includeing toll iv herd of guys paying 1500 out side the airport mr t is very reliable email him
  7. i usaly post the offer to share a taxi to but this trip ile have fishing tac kle with me and 3 months lugage see you at the party my first flb party cant wait
  8. as he dident reply my email i booked some ware else see you guys in patts very soon
  9. join the club goto b chang but this chang classic just aint the same y did they change it chang and lately jager myster love the stuff chang is the only real thai beer
  10. plenty of scope for sik buffalo laters after this event brothers hospital bill after the race acident transport bil for bufalo vets bills geez the list gos on
  11. i wanted to b on lk metro also but all i ca find is 850 baht anight its start of a 91 day trip thats to much foe me see you in champaigne agogo maby :)
  12. hi evry one i stayed in the queen vic soi6 4 or so years ago and it was fine good location and good rooms for the monie any one stayd there lately? i think i gona stay there in november 500 baht with air con cant b bad but iff any ones had bad shit there let me know cheers
  13. have a great night hope to meet up in november when i there glad you back in full health bud
  14. thx for the replys and the suport guys my thai is shit yes but i do try i know its khrap top a lady and ka to a guy but im lazy lol but when in thailand its polite to try a few words working at momen 12 houers a day extah cash for my 91 day trip wil try the sights for the music when i get chance special thx to ld buddy see you in patts and banchang :) first beers on me
  15. thx papilon and forni dont ya just love this forum
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