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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by randi

  1. I like the concept....will certainly have me in their mid December!!
  2. This Cherry Bar looks like fun...I have never made it there but next month I have to put it on the definite go visit list See ya soon
  3. Thanks bud, will certainly make it up there and say hello in 3 weeks....I always stick to Walking St but am trying to get a little more adventurous and try different areas in Pattaya...what are your opening hours..?
  4. Sorry to ask, but where is this bar located.... Never heard of it but I like the looks of the ladies...very easy on the eye indeed....Also what are the opening hours..?? There is 3 weeks and would like to try the place out, play a game or two of pool...
  5. Some very tasty choices there...in 3 weeks I can do some one on one reviews
  6. Thanks Paul, I am sure I can find something if i look hard enough i suppose if the bars are closed
  7. Paul Excellent vid, making me hunger to get back......Can I ask a question, in Dec there are two public holidays. 5th is the King's b'day and the 10th is National Day....will Mistys open those days..???
  8. The guy must have been kidding right..?? If he wasn't then he simply gave the polictically correct answer, but then again 99.5% of people visiting Pattaya are not politically correct....So I have to conclude he is a fool
  9. Well I will be in Pattaya tomorrow night...!! I never ventured up soi 7 or 8 so I have made myself a promise of spending a bit of time there this trip...I will certainly drop by the infamous Cherry Bar and make sure I introduce myself to you Hammer... see ya and congrats on the re-opening in soi 8...I was hoping you would be re-opended
  10. Come on guys, come join the fun...get your pulse taken, have a sponge bath or if it tickles your fancy take your medicine via a suppository .....as they say the more the merrier..!!
  11. Is it Tim running the place now..?? Will have to drop by for old times sake next week....
  12. girls and water sounds very interesting but this place is a little out of the way right??
  13. Pete PBG looks good and I will be down in Pattaya next month so will drop buy and check it out, grab a bite to eat and see what else I can get up to... haha
  14. I have short trip to Pattaya in April (followed by a long one in July..haha), but in April I will definitely be dropping in to what looks like a fun bar and very nice ladies...especially the one with the yellow smiley face badge poking its tongue out..!!!
  15. Hi there, I have been struggking whether to book the Penthouse hotel for my next trip in July'07. I see that alot of the reports are 2 years old so I was wondering if anyone can give a more current update Much appreciated Randi
  16. Hey looks like great place, but excuse me for asking where is Cherry Bar..?? Assuming Soi 8 right??
  17. I have heard about the peak season surcharge and I too have booked for 5 nights mid December'04...and was advised promptly by Ib that there was a surcharge which I have happily accepted...Lets face it, why should Pattaya be different to any other country in the world
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