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About fruitti88

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  1. usually go to Lek Hotel's cafe for breakfast 99 baht, Apec Hotel for buffet dinner 165 baht (April 2002)
  2. I start with 2 here : 1/ sister involved in motor-cycle accident & need an operation 2/ pattaya rains all day & no farang come for 1 month so I am now back to my village, just to see that father/mother is in desperate need for brain surgery or he/she will soon die. =============================== your contributions welcomed !!
  3. for me, no pool in QVI is a big turn off. I'd give this one a go :: Little Duck Pattaya - 336/22 Moo 9 Central Pattaya Rd ================================== http://www.thaihotels.com/Hotels/Details.aspx?hid=1846 not really so great a hotel, but for 600 baht you get a large room, tiny pool & a disco down-stairs that opens until 4am. IMO, the restaurant is rather pricy though. Little Duck phone: +66[038]428104-5 fax: +66[038]426043
  4. for me, no pool in QVI is a turn off. I'd give this one a go :: Little Duck Pattaya - 336/22 Moo 9 Central Pattaya Rd ================================== http://www.thaihotels.com/Hotels/Details.aspx?hid=1846 not really so great a hotel, but for 600 baht you get a large room, tiny pool & a disco down-stairs that opens until 4am. IMO, the restaurant is rather pricy though. Little Duck phone: +66(038)428104-5 fax: +66(038)426043
  5. I agree with u all above. just feel like adding a bit of my thinkings :: depends on how old she is, if she is under 25, she probably can have more fun staying in LOS and cheating farangs, after 25, she'd realized that :: 1/ it is getting harder and harder for getting willful farangs to send her money all the time 2/ it is getting harder for her to get employed by any kind of biz 3/ thai man no longer interested in her so - if she encounter opportunity to get out of the rat-race in her home-country, she'd jump into it !!
  6. you do not need no name for internet cafe. they are at every street corner, walk in, have a look by y.s. price is range 20 to 200 per hour. for 20, you get shiit, for 200 you wont get gold. I look for 50b.
  7. okay, I agree that Malaysia is beautiful country, but no booze, no movie, no songs, no fun. how about the south of Thailand (other places than Phuket) ? is there any actions in Chomporn, Hat Yai, Hua Hin, Kanchanaburi ??
  8. From Sydney / Melbourne to Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) --> Hanoi --> Paris $1299 return fare plus tax, offer till november, shop around !
  9. thanx a lot for the tip fishingtime. RG sounds good, and I think my friend lives in Nongprue area. does RG have a good restaurant ? is there any other place closer to downtown that's family friendly ??
  10. >> I don't know what airline your flying on, >> but most of the US carriers will charge you >> more if you stopover in a city unless you . . . ====================== MAS - Malaysian Airlines. I am flying from Australia. They are having a special rate from July to the middle of August. which is about the same as what I got from Olympics 2 years ago, OA is no longer flying the Sydney-BKK route. If I go to Land of the Free, I'd like to break it in Auckland and/or Hawaii. can get a better deal from Air New Zealand.
  11. I don't get that difference -- staying open on the slide // being allowed to stay open ?? have your root or being allowed to have your root, what's the blardy difference ?
  12. hi, I've booked my ticket, its from my city via Kualu Lumpur to BKK at the end of this month. just wonder is it worthwhile to stay in Kuala for 1 night and look for some nightly entertainments there ? or go straight to LOS ? any idea ??
  13. wonder what's going on with Tropicana. they still do groupies, price should have ccome down to 800B because its low season. last year I got in 1000B with breakfast with is not recommendable for any homo sapien.
  14. was in Patt during 1999-2000 ny. that bloody Little Duck went up to 1000B a night, but the disco downstairs was unbelievable.
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