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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.

diesel dick

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  1. thanks for the replies, yes i see them now on e bookers and i have spoken to the guy at Gazelle, he explianed that China airlines have just decided to jack the price right up. they are now very expensive. shame really because they were convienient... will have to suffer emirates now or travel to another dep airport i guess see you on the train mebbee
  2. yes i guess it was Sir, and for that i apologise, i did not wish to be rude, especially as a new member to this forum. i am sorry for that i stand by the racist statement because to say Arabs are pigs is a racist statement in the same way as to say All Pakis smell would be. yes they are ARABS but not necessarily PIGS! No Turbo sorry but saying the stewardesses on BA are up thier own arses does not qualify you, it just makes you observant
  3. sorry but you have done it again, to love a race of people because they are, in this case Thai, of a particular race/type/creed makes you a racist. please explain to me why i should not therefore call you racist please also tell me why you, the same as your friend you attack me for only making 3 posts. why would you guess from only making 3 posts that i am watching pattaya clips etc etc dreaming etc etc mmmmmm allright i truly do not see the connection, explanation possible????????????????? PS you forgot to add transiting DUBAI in your globetrotting conquests
  4. Sorry, perhaps you can tell me how many posts i have to make before pointing out FACTS!!!!!! would i not be a clown if i had made as many posts as you??? People may choose to believe the post as it is true. the poster henryski stated THOSE ARABS ARE PIGS! i would call that a racist statement and therefore makes him racist. i did not wish to upset anyone by pointing this out. i did not call him a pig, i said MAYBE you are a pig, a lot of travellers are quite rude, especially when THEY are FOREIGNERS in a different country sometimes without knowing or being aware of different custo
  5. i have been looking for flights ex newcastle and could often find KLM flights connecting on to China Airlines at Amsterdam. it seems now that no one is giving China flight fares now. Looked at Southall/lastminute/travelsupermarket/expedia etc. anyone have any ideas why please??
  6. they treated me ok.......................perhaps you are a pig? you certainly are a Racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please check your spelling for the place you were transitting, where exactly is DUBIA????? and, the spelling of the word THERE referring to a persons airport.
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