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About Jiklo

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    United States

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  1. Keep those Rooskies away from Thailand and the rest of the world. Oil crashes, Ruple crashes... good news all around.
  2. This is anecdotal, but in recent years, I believe the rate of Iranian tourists and expats has increased. This is more or less evident with more of these Iranian restaurants spawning throughout Pattaya although compared with other ethnic groups, they might not shine in numbers. You are right regarding Iranian being involved in commerce and business (I even heard the "Arab," who is giving the Soi Cowboy of Bangkok a face lift, is in fact an Iranian). They are shrewd in some regards when it comes to digging money as an outsider, no matter where they find their foot hold in the world. I have a
  3. That's not Arabic; it's Farsi. It's what appears to be an Iranian restaurant. The name translates to "Shell Restaurant". Who knows if it's still around.
  4. I wonder if these Catholic orphanages only allow Catholic parents to adopt from their place.
  5. It is strange that the only place I've heard people drinking Vodka-Lippo is in Thailand. Maybe I need to get out more.
  6. Everybody is different (God bless them); some go with the whiskey & mixers, vodka, beer, tequila, water, ice tea, orange juice, margarita (!), ... all the way to folks who might even order wine [in Thailand, ya]. What do you order when you go to a bar, agogo, restaurant, or other places? Be specific if you wish.
  7. Americans are generally more inclined to behave than their European counter part. Brits and Australians tend to appear more cynical because pissing on each others' parade is something they take pride doing--it's a cultural thing to them, that's how they interact, nothing personal. Americans on the other hand are more of a straight shooter and to the lesser extend don't go for chopping each others' head while taking a jab at each other--they don't consider this format a preferring method of interacting among each other. Again, everything I say is relative, for instance, in the eyes of an Indian
  8. Is there a comprehensive list of short time hotels in Pattaya where they offer a safe box?
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