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Everything posted by firefox

  1. problem with drinking soda/juice is that it's dull. i'm just too damn 'square' to enjoy myself without at least a couple beers. go to a gogo and drink a diet coke or juice and see what i mean. that's no fun.
  2. I've gotten sick of getting hangovers and blowing 3-5k each night, so I try to limit my boozing here. Last time I took just one 1,000 baht note with me and I drank the entire night, went to the disco & everything. believe it or not, it lasted.. barely. shows how much you waste on drinks when you are pissed drunk. Now, I might get a beer from the 7-11 and drink it in my room then go out and buy a few lady drinks at some choice bars/gogos. if I'm really horny, I get a ST on soi 6 or coconut bar. altogether, I don't spend more than 2k on a night out these days. frugal freddy
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