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Martinell Bar

Business Owner
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Everything posted by Martinell Bar

  1. Lol, shes outta town for the next week if you no what i mean mate Hope you had a good time traveling around and thanks for helping me get sorted with getting on here. Some members are a little strange when it comes to the videos i've posted, Poeple on other forums/facebook seem to really enjoy them .
  2. A few pictures from last night guys, had a few very sexy freelancers in the bar. They all got very drunk and cat fights broke out. Nothing like chilling with a beer and watching sexy ladies rip the clothes off each other. Sorry no nude pictures :'(
  3. Thanks for the kind word buddy. Its always hard being the new guy. Neg replys dont bother me that much, its much more easy to say something crappy from behind a keyboard. I dont reply to them, enless they are related to the bar. Were an easy going bunch, cant anything to seriously when living in Pat's :) I just wonna make a nice wee thread to update with pictures, videos, promo we're running and customer feedback :) Jonny
  4. Andy's a decent guy, meet him in Soi Lk. He was the one who told me about the site, so i thought id check it out. Has alot more members than i would have thought :)
  5. As you guys are that into video, i take lots of pictures and will update this thread a few time every week with them. Here's a few to get you's started :)
  6. Lmao, its not biggie. We made the video as others had trouble finding us. Hope to see you soon. Im the guy sitting on the laptop looking stressed out drinking large amounts of beer and smoking through multi packs of fags, lmao. Jonny
  7. Thanks for the nice word buddy. I no your staying off the drink, but you still dont turn down a freebie :) See you soon, hope you had a good time away.
  8. Just to clear things up, we are located on 2nd road across the road from Mikes Shopping Mall at the bottom of the smiley beer complex. Its not that hard to find guys, the youtube video is more to help newbes out that may not know the area that well. If im honest, alot of people have told us that the video was very helpful. As said before, we are at the bottom of the complex, you can not miss your huge Martinell Bar neon sign (9foot wide and 3 foot tall)
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