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About LOUYI1964

  • Rank
    Advanced Poster
  • Birthday 06/04/1964

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  1. I think its a TNT2 with 32mb cybers, its only 25 quid to get geforce with 128mb I may give that a try if it doesn't cure it at least I'll have a better card in. THNXS
  2. The last time I had the game out of its box it worked ok, it seems to happen as more of the map area of the game is shown or a lot of on screen action is taking place.
  3. Ok guys when playing a game the screen goes blank and then up comes my desk top the music for the game still plays but no game, on occasions the desk top is crazy pink colours? would I be correct in thinking the graphics card is in gaga land or just me???????
  4. Me and the missus have been laughing are socks off the wife nearly died when she was supposed to be talking Thai on the phone when she told Fred papa was sick said it sound like chincky talk to her but never Thai.
  5. Hi been there acouple of times (the wifes from there) some good hotels that will let you use there pools for a swim,no agogos or such but some Thai discos and bars may be worth a try, a decent shopping center, internet cafes and market but if its bedroom olymics your after you may be the only athlete
  6. Thanks guys shall give it all a try Wow ran spybot and I had a screen full of red stuff thanks again everyone.
  7. Help every time I use explorer the home page has been replaced by a search page. I reset the home page and lo and behold the next time I use explorer its changed back to this dam search page again anyone know how I can get rid of it??????????? it says this in the address bar res://mshp.dll/index.html#37049 thanks guys. :'(
  8. I have done BKK/LHR/MAN a few times the bagage is checked through from BKK the customs people run dogs over them during the transfer at LHR (not all the time)and I would think Xray any they take an interest in immigration is cleared as stated above at the flight transfer center so in effect once through there your in the UK and on a domestic flight with nothing to do at the other end at Man you just pick up your case and go through a door straight in to the arrivals lobby I would thinkGlasgow would be much the same.
  9. Well we live and learn Qatar should read Craptar, what a shite rag head airline, 1, On the flight from Man to Doha the seats where falling to bits, the bar was limited and they ran out of one of the choices for the hot meal, inflight entertainment was out of the ark, though they do run a good ad about how there is a new system coming on line in November doubt it my self, Doha airport was nice and shiney new apart from the huge ques to go through xray and metal detection for your transfer, though if you walk around in a white bed sheet you can go straight to head of the que it would seem, oop
  10. Hi just booked flights for me and the wife got Qatar from Manchester for 398 quid return each change at Doha 1 hour wait outbound 3 hour wait inbound, as the legs are not what they used to be the chance to strech them is good for me got it at www.airline-network.co.uk
  11. Hi Ken and Lat The visa will be issued by the embassy on the day of her interview if she is succesful and they can travel any day they choose after then, it may be some weeks from placing the paper work in and paying the fee to the actual interview date it is possible to place the paperwork prior to the marriage and then ask for a date after the marriage I think. They will need to provide a folder of evidence showing how long they have known each other, proof of contact etc and that they have accommodation in the uk, www.thailand-uk.com is agood site with a forum on it with all they'll need
  12. Hi guys anyone know of some sites on the internet where you can look over designs for houses they build in Thailand. :)
  13. Hi Dave, how about sending your extra stuff as airfrieght? just an idea it may end up costing less and saving you the hassel. Lewis
  14. Hi saigon, have you tried for a japanese airline or via japan? I was talking to guy from the states last year in Tony's who came via Japan and I'm sure that was his reason why. I know the flights from London to Tokyo (not that it helps you) used to be the only ones that allowed smoking because the japanese like the cancer sticks so much. Hope you have successs. Lewis
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