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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Bub

  1. Thanks to everyone. I apologize to those who I may have offended. For sure, every person is entitled to his or her opinion. One of my reasons for the post was to argue, albeit politely, that it's naive to use the word "all" when describing ANY group of people, whether it be Thai women, North Koreans, New Yorkers, Southerners or the Los Angeles Lakers. It's not coincidental that we have different finger prints and retinal scans. Those differences are in fact a reflection, if you will, of the variations within each of us. Do you recall the set of conjoined twins that died recently from s
  2. Preface: Please forgive the length of this post. It was not meant to be. Please read only if you're bored. :) Hi Snowbird, Thanks for the advice. Before going to Thailand, I had visited numerous forums. I came to several conclusions before ever stepping onto an airplane. I already knew that the majority of Thai women are at least pretty, and that many are outrageously beautiful. I sensed that I would have a good time, but in the end would not find a wife. I would then decide whether to try again or not, maybe even go to the Philippines next winter. I agreed with many that they w
  3. I returned from my first trip to Thailand a week ago. I'm 51, and it was easily the best experience of my life. I am a bit different from some others, though, in that I wish to bring a Thai lady to the US for marriage rather than moving there. There are so many neat things about the country and its people, but the one salient feature is a simple word: attitude. In my 51 years, I have never come close to being surrounded by so many incredibly beautiful people. Not physical beauty. I'm talking about what's in their hearts and souls. If only Americans could learn a lesson from Thailand, we wo
  4. Same thing, I'm going to be in Thailand for 8 nights total, definitely want some time in both cities. Only I've read that hotels can actually fill up in the middle of December and that I should book everything in advance. Is that wrong? Thanks
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