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Everything posted by captcraig

  1. Oh sorry.....price under 15k baht per month, thanks.
  2. No, I don't need a pool just somewhere clean and comfortable and a decent location....Only thing I require is of course air cond and American shower and toliet! I would also like internet if possible......Thanks
  3. I'll be arriving on March 15th and need to find a place for two months....Any hot tips on where I should look? Prefer not to stay in a hotel if possible. Thanks
  4. I've stayed at the Penthouse on several occasions without any problems, That is until my last and final visit! My room was crawling with roaches, the air sucked and the room was a sweat box. Then to make matters worse they are always working on the joint, nothing like the sound of hammers and electric saws at 9am. I comlpained and was told there was nothing that could be done....The chick at the front desk was a total bitch! One last thing was the food......Shit I tell you I wouldn't feed that crap to my dog! Try Lek hotel on 2nd road..I liked it!
  5. Eric, Dude, thanks for the tip! I just made my reservations...$425.00....whoo hoo....wheels up in six days! ;D
  6. I will be arriving in Pattaya on October 17th and would appreciate some input on available rentals. I would prefer a luxury one bedroom condo or apartment for three months, would consider all offers under 50k per month. Thanks for the help!
  7. I also agree that Private dancer is a great read, However keep in mind that it is still a novel!
  8. I stayed at the Flipper lodge in June and hated it! The employees were very rude and not helpful at all. The rooms were around 800 baht per night, the room was out dated and in need of a make over. The food in the restaurant was horrible, the internet cafe was so freaking hot that you couldn't sit there for more than 5 mins. And what pissed me off more than anything was the exchange rate they were giving on cashing travlers checks. I could not recomend this hotel and will not return.
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