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Triangle Bar

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Everything posted by Triangle Bar

  1. A few of you have been asking for the video from the end of the world party here it is can you spot yourself?
  2. a little later today to give some other people a chance in the bar and on the forums Yesterdays bar winner was Rob with the answer octillion and no one guessed the forum correctly the answer was 303. Todays questions Bar question:How many zeros in novemoctogintillion? Forum question: whats the name of this number 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000? pm answer no googleing
  3. Back after a days vanishing act. Mondays winner in the bar was TJ (again) with the answer 12 and Brucek for Pattayaclub was the first with the answer for the forum of 9. Todays questions are (no googleing forum pm the answer) Bar question: what is a number called with 27 zeros after it? Forum question: How many zeros in a centillion?
  4. A very good Monday to you all, Hope the weekend was eventful, Pattaya-live won last weeks forum competition but its a new weeks and the scores are back to zero, Talking about zero's thats a little clue about this weeks theme. Lets start the week off simple. No useing google and forum pm answer please. There are 3 zeros in a thousand 1,000 Bar Question, How many Zero's in a Trillion? Forum Question, How many Zeros in a Billion? Tonights Music Theme is Reggae be in the Bar at 7pm onwards come and enjoy something a little bit different
  5. Well done Again TJ he was unstoppable this week in winning the drinks. He gave the correct answer of A Scourge of Mozzies. And for the Forum that was won by Sexyman at Pattaya-live he gave me an Earth of Fox, i would of also accepted Leash, Skulk, Lead, Troop. That brings us to the End of another week of questions. I will be back on Monday to set you some new clues. One last announcement Happy Hour Extended in the Bar until 11PM on Saturdays until the end of Febuary.
  6. Congrats to TJ in the bar for winning, He gave the correct answer that Hippos are in groups called Bloats. But no one got the forum question i wouldof accepted Crash or Stubbornness. So the last day of the week the club and live are on one a peice pattaya talk have been sleeping all week. I will make the forum easy today. Bar question what is a group of Mosquitoes called? Forum Question what is a group of Fox called? (5 possible answers i will accept any of them) No googleing pm answer. Good luck
  7. The guys in the bar have been left scratching there heads this week after stumping them two days in a row now. The answer that i was looking for was Rattlesnakes are in a group called Rhumba. The Forum guys didnt let there team side down As expected BruceK from Pattayaclub was first with the answer of Vipers in a group are called Nest i would of also accepted Generation. Bruce being a snake owner had a little advantage there. Well done makes it 1-1-0 with two questions to go. Bar question, What do you call a group of Hippopotamuses? Forum Question, what do you call a group of Rhinoceroses?
  8. There maybe a few Vultures out there but no one managed to guess the answers for both the bar and the forum (nice to see people not cheating) so a double bubble for me which is very rare. The answers i was looking for is Bar- Kettle and the Forum-Venue Can i make it 2 in a row this is for all the snake lovers out there, No googleing, forum answers pm please. Bar question- what is a group of Rattlesnakes called? Forum question- what is a group of Vipers called?
  9. Well Done Pete for Guessing the Bar question he gave the right answer Kennel of dogs ~(a pack is for a group of wild dogs) And Its Pattayalive off to a great start for the week with Boydeste giving a very detailed answer for Puppies being a litter. So that was just the warm up for whats to come. See how you do for the rest of the week. No Googleing and pm answers. Bar Question: What is a group of Vultures (circling) called? Forum question: What is a qroup of Vultures called? Its Simply Curry night in the Bar get in early order you currys from 6pm onwards save 30Baht on all Combi meals.
  10. Happy Monday morning to you all. Hope your footie teams won over the weekend and that you all had a good time. Last week was Phobia week this week is Group week. All question are about what groups of Animals are called, No Googleing, Pm the Answers for the Forum. Its the first with the right answer wins. An EASY one to start with Bar Question: What is a group of (general) Dogs called? Forum Question: What is a group of Puppie Dogs called? Tonights 80's Music Night is postponed due to a party taking place in the Soi. Good luck
  11. Had a great night there on Saturday the place was alive and so were the girls, The curry night is on my to do list.
  12. The weekend is upon us and that means a break from the questions until Monday. I shall be locked up in my research libary plotting next weeks clues to stump you all. The bar question was won by Pete with the answer Bladness or going Bald (a pattaya look) and who won the brainest most clever forum in Pattaya this week it was won by the grogmonster at Pattayalive, with the fear of friday the 13th, if fact i had more answers from that forum than any of the others so well done guys a good win for your forum. Football will be on in the Bar with weekend with sound so get in early to the Home of B
  13. Well done TJ for getting the correct answer of the phobia being the fear of going home. And im going to give the win to the pattayaclub and to boydeste as it was my mistake i did not put pm the answer on the post (in future please pm the answer) A special mention to Sexyman at pattaya-live for being the first to PM the answer to me. the answer was the fear of spending money. Its a 1-1-1 draw on the forums this week so guys it all rests on todays question. Bar question. what is Peladophobia the fear of? extra clue again in pattaya this is pretty much the style for most guys. Forum Question
  14. Great cocktail night yesterday thanks for those that did come and enjoy the drinks. We had a new winner in the Bar yesterday Mark got the answer of the phobia was fear of work. I think a lot of people have that. What happened to the forum? was it just to hard? the phobia was fear of computers. Todays questions Bar: What is Nostophobia a fear of? extra clue I have this phobia especially next month when i face my fear. Forum: What is Chrematophobia a fear of? extra clue theres a few cheap charlies out there with this problem!! Goodluck
  15. More than you expect there to be. A lot of Thai girls will bring there customers to our bar if they dont stay in there own bar, they like the pool table and the fact that they can get there customer drunk quicker!
  16. I stumped the Bar drinkers yesterday with that very very long word the phobia was fear of long words. The forum guys are just to good for me Sexyman at Pattayalive was first with the answer of Beautiful Women. So today phobia questions are. Bar questions: What is Ergophobia the fear of? Extra Clue I think most of the guys that drink in the bar have this Fear!!! Forum Question: What is Logizomechanophobia the Fear of? Extra clue if you had this fear you would find it hard to answer this question. Tonight is Cocktail night the menu has been posted if you have never been to one of our night
  17. Your a clever bunch your even mocking me when you give the correct answers telling my how easy the questions are. TJ got the Bar question right with Shadows and out of the many answers yesterday Danboy at Pattayatalk was first with the Answer English/England. Staying on the theme of Phobias. No googleing but i will give a little extra clue to help you along. Bar question: What is Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia the fear of? Extra clue: the answer is in the word. Forum question: What is Venustraphobia the fear of? Extra clue: no good coming to pattaya with this phobia. Tuesdays is C
  18. Quiz Time a little bit later today keep you all on your toes. Lets start the week off nice and hard usual rules no googleing, Forums please pm the answer. This week is Phobia week see if you no any of these. Bar question: What is sciophobia the fear of? Forum Question: what is Anglophobia the fear of? Good luck and hope to see a few of you in tonight for the R&B night of music
  19. Well its Saturday so that means a weekend off from the questions. Yesterdays answers were Bar HTC logo and the forum was one by BruceK again at pattayaclub with him guessing Nascar logo. Tonight we have some football on the big screen with sound. so come along get in early for a good seat and enjoy the home of buy one get one free. Have a good weekend Chris
  20. Aloo Aloo Alan got the bar answer again with Radiohead and BruceK from the pattayaclub was first with New kids on the block. The pattayaclub is on a roll this week. can i stop them with the last question of the week? I have had a few people ask about upcoming events, i will get round to posting the flyers for both mondays music and Januarys events this weekend. So will end the week on a picture round for you all. Guess the Logo. pm the answers no googling.
  21. I have had a few PM asking to see our staff. As im new to this board im will post some pictures from New years day. I also like to make it clear that these are my staff some go with customers some dont. rude comments etc are not accepted if you dont like what you see theres plenty of girls is Pattaya, Remember they might not like the looks of you either.
  22. Glad you had a good time. We are a little light on staff at the moment due to new year and beggining of the month and they all go after pay day. But that didnt seem to be an issue for you which im pleased to hear. Just to update on something you mentioned, The Barbie now owns the first bar so it is fact now all barbie but the sign does not show that. Yes sometimes its like a stare out contest between Triangle and Barbie customers. Chow soy food is very good value for money i eat there at least 3-4 times a week and Dave the owner is a top guy. Hope you will return again another time Chris
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