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Triangle Bar

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Everything posted by Triangle Bar

  1. Aloo Aloo Alan did well this week with the wins hope you enjoyed your Cider for getting the answer that a Skipjack was a Tuna and good to see PattayaTalk get a win this week with Jacko being the first with the Forum Answer of Whale Shark. So that brings us to the End of the week and the end of the questions about the fish and fishing. What will next week bring? This weekend its FA Cup at 11.15pm Happy Hour will be extended through to the end of the Game we also have the F1 pratice today and the Main Race Tomorrow. Sunday Also sees a few games of football and some guy has j
  2. Guys when have my questions be that simple? the bar question was not answered correctly but gills and scales were both common answers being given. the answer was Fish have a two chambered Heart. A well done to Sexyman Pattayalive for getting Sailfish as being the fastest fish in the Ocean. Its the end of the Week i will make this really easy for you today. Bar Question: What sort of fish is a skipjack? Forum Question: What is the worlds largest fish? Good luck
  3. Well its been a long time since we seen a win from Rob but he got the Bar answer yesterday with Blackbeard and a big well done to BruceK from Pattayaclub for being first with Japan for the forum Answer. Bar Question: What feature sets fish apart from other water-dwelling animals? Forum Question: What is the Fastest fish in the ocean? (i have been lucky enough to catch one of these) Good luck
  4. a little bit tricky for you no one came into the bar with the correct answer of gregory peck. Martin on the facebook page did get the forum answer first with Sponge bob square pants. lets see how it goes today Bar Question: Who is Edward Teach better known as? Forum question: What country catches the most fish? good luck
  5. Far to easy yesterday for you all Aloo Aloo got the Bar answer of the boat being called Orca and BruceK from Pattayaclub was so quick i dont think the ink was dry before he responded with the correct answer of Robson Green. Lets make it a little harder today Bar Question: Who played the famous Captain Ahab in the 1956 movie of Moby Dick? Forum Question: Who has a Pet snail called Gary and lives 124 Conch Street, Bikini Bottom Pacific Ocean? Good luck Dont forget to get into the bar to book your place on the fishing trip.
  6. Its Monday its sunny and only 18days till the first Triangle bar and Pattaya fishing tours big trip out. If some of you missed the posters going up over the weekend the trip is planned for the 24th May a Dry day in Thailand. The boat will be selling buy one get one free all day so a great excuse to do something different and get out of Pattaya for a day. There are only a limited number of places for this trip so if you want to come please book your space early a non refundable deposit of 500baht will be required you pay the balance on the day of the trip. We are providing pick up and drop off
  7. Well done to MM from the Pattayatalk forum for getting the answer correct The Nile flows from South to North. Aloo Aloo Alan and a special Mention to Sexyman Pattaya-live for getting the Trick question correct. The Biggest Monolinth is Mt Augusta in south west australia. So great guys good for not falling into the Ayres rock trap like so many did. Its the weekend so Snooker, Football, Rugby and a host of other sports to keep you busy. Remember Happy hour is until midnight Have a good weekend
  8. Its finally the end of the week did it go to quick or did it drag? for me it felt like 5 days. So We finally have a Bar winner half point Pete answered the question correctly with San Marino and the Vatican City State. And Jacko from Pattayatalk won again this week he might not know what month or day we are in but he knows that Zanzibar was the answer i was looking for. Bar Question What and where is the worlds largest monolith? Forum Question: In which direction does the River Nile flow? North, South, East or West.
  9. Im guessing Geography is not everyones strong subject! the answers for yesterday were Bar: Sicily and Forum: Artic Sea Lets see if you can do better today as no one got them right yesterday. Bar Question: Which two small states are surrounded by Italy? Forum Question: Which island off the east coast of Africa was once independent? good luck
  10. Happy 1st of May, Its a Public Holiday in Thailand so dont expect to find the banks open today. Business as usual for us It also means that our Tequlia Promotion has finished and a new promotion will start details to follow the next day or two. Good News Happy Hour will stay on until Midnight and again a new weekend promotion will be starting this weekend keep a look out for details. So Jacko from Pattayatalk got the forum Question correct of Bristol(a very easy question) no one got the bar question correct the answer was Oslo. Bar question: What is the largest island in the Medi
  11. Well done Sexyman at Pattayalive for getting that Darfur is in Western Sudan. No one got that Georgia has the biggest exposed Granite Cliff Now you know. A little Easier today. Bar Question: Christiana is the former name of which European city? Forum Question: St Paul's is a suburb of which UK city?
  12. A good and happy Monday to you all. How was your weekend? Its the last few days of April so make the most of the Tequlia promotion before the 1st may when we have something new for you. This weeks Quiz will take you around the world as its all based on Geography questions. Usual Rules apply NO GOOGLEING, Pm the answer to me and have fun. Bar Question: In Which US State has the largest Exposed Granite Cliff? Forum Question: In What region of Sudan is Darfur? Thats got your brains working
  13. Its the weekend so give your brains a few days off come into the bar and enjoy the endless weekend Happyhour 8am sat till midnight Sunday all Beers and sprits Buy one Get one Free. This weekend we have some great football games on starting at 6.45pm Saturday. as well as Rugby, Snooker, Tennis. And cliff diving if i ever find the channel again! Well done Aloo Aloo Alan for getting the Bar question Wacaday, And to a newbie on the Facebook Page Damien for getting the forum answer of Andy Crane. Have a great weekend
  14. well we had a lot of fun trying to answer yesterdays questions seeing grown men admit to watching finding Nemo and being 100% sure that Ice age and Happy feet were Pizar films only to find they were wrong So in the end no one guessed five correctly here is what you could of had. Cars, Cars2, The incredibles, A bugs life, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, WALL-E, Up and Brave. The forums didnt do so well either, Heres the seven names. Doc, Bashful, Dopey, Happy, Sleepy, Grumpy, Sneezy. its the last day so lets see how we do. Bar Question: Which TV show ran from 1985- 1992 and Fe
  15. I managed to stump you all yesterday the Bar answer was Gargamel and Azrael i had some great answers but none right. The Forum answer was Battle of the Planets. No one got close to the answer. I will make a little easier today. Bar question: Pixar are best known for the Film Toy Story. But can you name 5 more Pixar films excluding the toy story triology (in total Pixar has made 13 movies) Forum Question: Name the Original Seven Dwarfs in the 1937 film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? no googling good luck
  16. The Sexyman from Pattaya live got the answer first again just beating some of the usualwinners by 5 minutes. The Forum answer was Puff the Magic Dragon. No one got the Bar question again i did get some comical answers but i was looking for Will Ferrell as the Voice of the man in the Yellow hat. Lets see how you do today will make the bar question a little easier and the forum a little harder. Bar Question. In the smurfs what is the name of the Evil villian and his Cat? Forum question. G-Force were in the Science Ninja Team Gatchaman cartoon but what was the show better k
  17. Prince Adam was AKA He-Man his cat was cringer / Battle Cat No one got it correct but at least now you learnt something. Who fell into the trap of thinking Eugene the jeep was some type of car? Sexy-man from Pattaya Live knew the answer was Popeye. Eugene was the magical dog/cat thing. So onto todays questions. Bar Question: Whos voice was used to play the man in the yellow hat in the film Curious George? Forum question: in a childrens song and cartoon who was Jackie Papers Friend? BONUS. The questions and answers have a link to today?
  18. Happy Monday morning to you this week im feeling Childish so to make you all feel childish the questions will be on Cartoons and Kids TV shows. Remember i can be a little twisted so read the questions proply before answering. Bar Question: What was Prince Adams Cat called? Forum Question: what Cartoon would you find Eugene the Jeep? Not easy for a Monday remember no Googleing and Pm the Forum Answer you can only win the Bar question by coming into the bar first.
  19. Well its over the week has come and gone Jacko from Pattayatalk got the answer correct for the forums with Wet Wet Wet and Love is All around. The Bar answer was Wet Wet Wet and Goodnight Girl. but no one got that Have a great weekend We have the F1 and Football this weekend so come join us
  20. Well Done Aloo Aloo Alan for getting the Bar question correct and good to see you back cant wait til songkan has finished so i can have a Simply curry. The answer was The Brotherhood of Man With Save all your kisses for me. No one got the Forum question which was Mika with Grace Kelly. Last day today and last day of Songkran besafe enjoy yourself and see you all monday. Bar question: You hear me so clearly, And see how I try, You feel me, so heal me. Artist and song Title Forum Question: I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes. Artist and Song title PM ANSWER. Extra clue theres a
  21. Sexy man from Pattaya-Live was first with the right forum answer of My Heart will go on Celine Dion. Again no one managed to come into the Bar and answer the question correctly You dont get a win for 1/2 points. only 2 more days of this crazy Songkran then its back to normal. Bar Question: Though it hurts to go away, It's impossible to stay, But there's one thing I must say before I go. Song Title and Artist Forum Question: I wanna talk to you!, The last time we talked Mr. Smith you reduced me to tears!,I promise you that won't happen again! Artist and Song title (extra hit the first artist
  22. Well its a very wet Wednesday the rain has not stopped for the last hour and Lake Chiyapoon is in full flow. So yesterday mike from Facebook was first to answer the Forum question correctly The answer was Jessie J Feat B.O.B with the song Price Tag. Artist and song titles were asked for to win. As there seems to be no one in the city at the moment due to Songkran the bar question went unanswered. It was James Blunt, Your Beautiful. Bar question: When no-one else can understand me, When everything I do is wrong. Song title and artist. Forum Question: Every night in my dreams, I see you,
  23. thats why we have the forum question because a lot of people cant be in Pattaya all year round but still want to be included in the quiz. And im sure not being in Thailand means that your fucked it just means your paying a higher price and the 500 baht the girls charge here But glad your playing along
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