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Triangle Bar

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Everything posted by Triangle Bar

  1. Yay its Monday The weekend was a little wet but its good to see more people in and around the town. This Week we Launch our Happy Nights so keep an eye out for our Post on some fantasic Deals to beat those Price Rises. Also have an exclusive Forum promo coming up. So this weeks Theme i was asked to do Music then i was asked to do Famous people so im doing both :) Bar Question: Who had a hit with this song? Blind Willie McTell? Forum Question: Who had a hit with this song?James Dean? PM the answer and no googleing.
  2. Well its the weekend what a fantasic week its been. Have learnt the the Book Snake is hated by more people that i ever knew thanks for all the PM's and words of support most of the comments could not be published here but they have made me smile. Even after our True vision was ripped off the wall and the wires cut we still managed within a couple of hours Restore normal Sport on the TV. This is about "Losing face" i see it as about Being Jealous and money grabbing. Whos lost face now? im still showing the football and other sport. You still got an outdated dark dingy place. The only reason fo
  3. I think you made a little mistake. but then again I would love to find a money exchange where the person cant count as long as its in my favor :)
  4. Its the end of the week its been a tough one with the questions and today is no different. I am hoping that our CTH will be back up and running today. We appoligize that you have been with out your daily Fight channel and other sporting events blame the money grabbing back stabbing Book snakes. Looking forward to the pattayalive meet tonight. hope to see a few of you there. Yesterday the Forum was won by Mark 'vinny' Vickers he is getting in pratice for when he lands in Patts next week. the Answer was the Biggest Loser. No one got the Bar question no one knew who Tyra Banks was so had n
  5. Rob has finally found his winning game again by answering the Bar question with Hells Kitchen and Choonsy of Pattayamotorbikes.com your number one bike rental won the Forum for the Club with his answer of Strictly Come dancing. Bar Question: In each 'cycle', Tyra Banks sought a new fashion figure in what TV series originally created in the States in 2003? Forum Question: In 2004, what TV show based around weight loss premiered on NBC and featured trainers Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels?
  6. Despite our UnFriendly Neighbours having No Balls and breaking his word and Hand shake we will still have Cricket On today It does not look lie reality TV is your strong subject yesterdays Bar question was easy and Gary got there first with the Apprentice the forum no one got i was looking for The Amazing Race. Lets see how you do today: Bar Question: Hosted in the U.S. and UK by irate chef Gordon Ramsey, what reality competition usually saw a winner receiving their own restaurant or head chef position? Forum Question: In the U.S., "Dancing With the Stars" was a ratings juggernau
  7. Well done to BruceK of The club for guessing Bigbrother nice and easy to start the week. as for the Bar El Tel got the answer correct which shocked his friends as no one and he won a Sangsom Well done. Todays question Bar question: Donald Trump, Alan Sugar, and Mark Bouris have all been hosts of what international reality show based in the business world? Forum Question: Teams of two follows clues around the globe and complete various tasks to reach a finish line and split a million dollar prize. What is the name of this TV show?
  8. GOOD Monday Morning hope you had a good weekend. Thanks to a fellow Board member for suggesting this weeks topic for the Quiz. Reality Tv Show!!! No Googleing and PM answers for forum questions. Guess the Show for the Question: Bar Question : A group of everyday people are left in a remote location and force to vote each other off the show. The last one standing wins $1,000,000. What is the show? Forum Question: In this show, a group of people are locked away in a house for upwards of two months. Some become the head of the household, others get evicted. What's the name of this Orwell-
  9. End the week with no one getting the bar answer of Death Valley - California and Sexyman winning for the Live forum again with Japan. Thanks for playing along until next week.
  10. Wobbly i have run out of Carlsberg so can you please comment on my thread about it as i dont normally post on a Sunday keep it at the top for the list for me And im being serious no Carlsberg Grrrr
  11. First off i would like to say thank you to Apple Honey the suppliers of Thatchers, Kepplers and Bruntys ciders for not increasing the price to us bar owners. If bars do put up there Cider prices you as a consumer are being taken advantage of. The winner of the Bar question was Clever Trevor with the answer Turkey and to Thinkingallowed of Pattayalive with his answer Kara-kum Bar question: Where is the salling stones of racetrack playa? Forum question: What country are the Nine hells of Beppu?
  12. Well what a Thursday the price increase has happened we have tried to swallow as much of it as possible so you should not see much difference and you still get the buy one get one free. So the answer to yesterdays bar question was Uruguay which no one got. and Sexyman from Live got the answer of Aleutian Islands. Bar Question: Where are the Terrace pools of PAMUKKALE? Forum Question: In what Desert is HELL'S DOOR TURKMENISTAN?
  13. Mr BruceK of PattayaClub won the Forum Question yesterday with Solomon islands and Graham won the bar with Mexico. Tonight is 70's night in the Bar So put those flares on platform shoes and come listen to some great music from the Decade of Disco. A Lot harder today NO GOOGLEING! Bar Question:If your from the uk you will know the pie maker Fray Bentos But where in what country is Fray Bentos the Place. (Clue Not in the UK) Forum Question: This is the place of the only land battle of WW2 that took place on American soil?
  14. An easy start to the week? for some yes for other not so Waterloo is in Belgium SP Pete got the answer at around 8pm last night so the free beer was sitting waiting all day to be claimed. As for the Forum well you guys did a little better with ILuvpattaya on the Addicits Forum getting the answer correct first with Morocco. If you look above this post you will see this months Promos. Like Sushi? Your love what Cafe Mesi has to offer we have teamed up this month to offer our customers Freshly made Delivered to the Bar Sushi. A new flavour on our popular Slushie range Grape with Vodka.
  15. its monday morning some great sport over the weekend and good to see so many people out and about enjoying themselfs. So this weeks theme is Where is it. Lets see if MM a man who has travelled many corners of the globe knows these places!! Good luck lets see some new people joining in to win there free Drink in the bar. Bar Question: Abba sang about this battle Waterloo was the scene of a famous battle fought in 1815, in which country is it? Forum Question: Casablanca is the title of a well known film starring Humphrey Bogart. In which country is the town of this same name?
  16. Ending the Week with Allan Jockeys new restaurant on Soi Lengkee winning the Bar question again Corned Beef Hash was the answer and a Facebook winner for the Forum Mark Vinny Vickers got the answer first with Shepherds Pie. Thanks for playing along tune in next monday for the next brain teasers. This Saturday is packed with sports We Will Be showing ALL the EPL Games with Man City vs Hull, Newcastle Vs Fulham and Crystal Palace vs Sunderland all being the main events with English Sound. On top of that we have the Rugby games and the T20 England vs Australia. Hope you get in early m
  17. You dont like anagrams you didnt answer any dingbats so as you kindly let me use your forum. I will let you pick next weeks subject let me know by Sunday afternoon so i can prep the questions.
  18. Last day of the week and the forum win goes to ......... ? PattayaLive with Thinkingallowed winning once more with Sally Lunn Cake it did take him until the afternoon for the win. The Bar was Won by Dan Dan the big juice man. with Spaghetti Bolognese Bar question: HORNS FEED BEACH Forum Question: SHE PREPS HIDE
  19. PattayaLive hit back with another win Thinkingallowed is a one man winning team. the answer was Lancashire Hotpot and Aloo Aloo Alan got the Cornish Pasty answer for the Bar. Lets see how we do today Bar Question: PHOTO SIGNET BEAGLES Forum Question: CLEAN ANY SKULL
  20. The Pattaya Talk Forum have Clinched their first victory of the week with Jacko answering the Forum Question first the answer was Welsh Rarebit The Bar win goes to Aloo Aloo with the Easy Christmas Pudding. Lets see what place this takes you to today! Bar Question: SPINACH STORY Forum Question: ATHLETIC HARPOONS
  21. Allan Jockeys restaurant in Soi Lengkee won the Bar question i watched as he sat there with his piece of paper and worked out the answer which was Steak and Kidney Pie. The Forum answer was Fishermans pie and was won by Thinkingallowed at Pattayalive showing he is not just good at Mythology but also good at anagrams. Will Anyone Challenge him this week? Im sure you have the link now so the rest will be easy. Bar Question:CADDISH GIMP TURNS Forum Question: HEIST WARBLER
  22. Well Monday is upon us did you all have a good weekend? The Cider Roadshow was a blast so thankyou to everyone who came along and to Selena and Apple Honey for letting us hold the Event. The high lite was the drinking competitions when a guy drank a pint of cider with another guys underpants in the Glass. so now its back to Normal in the bar until next time. Lets get back to the Quiz its Anagram Week there is a Connection to all the anagrams im sure you will work it out. Please no googleing or putting into a anagram web site to give you the answer use your brains and have a little fun.
  23. Oh dear you failed at the last hurdle no one managed to get the answer correct yesterday. I was looking for Bar: Cassandra and Forum: Dido. Now you know :) The Pattaya live team won this week thanks to there new player Thinkingallowed. Its Cider Roadshow time get into the Bar between 2pm and 6pm for all Thatchers Ciders only 140 a bottle. Lots of Fun prizes and samples to try. This weekend is a sports packed weekend. We have The New Zealand Vs Aus Rugby as well as The Arsenal, Newcastle, Norwich and Liverpool games. All on theres more. The F1 Qualifying and the Hull fc vs Wigan Warr
  24. So one day closer to the Cider Roadshow starts tomorrow at 2pm. All Thatchers Ciders will be only 140baht between 2pm and 6pm so no excuse not to come in and enjoy the afternoon. Yesterdays winners were Allan Jockeys the new restaurant on Soi Lengkee with the Bar answer of Remus and for the Forum it was Thinkingallowed making his third win this week and clinching the Forum win for the Pattayalive team. the answer was Gorgons. So end the week on some hard questions: No Googleing Bar Question: Who was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo but no-one ever believed them? Forum Questi
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