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Triangle Bar

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Everything posted by Triangle Bar

  1. Well done to Aloo Agogo Alan for getting the Bar question it was easy as its printed up around the bar. The forum A little harder as i did ask for 2 answers the answers were Whiskers 70Baht and Barbie 110 (bogof) Still makes us the Cheapest on the Soi. Only 105(bogof) A little Appology to Sexyman from Pattayalive he did manage to answer the bar quesion right on Thursday but i was not around to get the answer from him. (next time you see me claim your free drink. Its the weekend so sports sports and more sports. No early football games today first kickoff 22.00. We have rugby and golf pla
  2. Sexyman from Pattayalive was spot on for the forum yesterday with $5 for the vegemite no one got close in the bar the answer was $38 how do you guys afford to drink over there? Last day of the week sporting events coming up Bar Question: How much is a Thatchers Gold in the triangle Bar. Forum Question: in the two bars oppersit us how much will a San Mig Light cost you?
  3. A good day yesterday for you all shows me that you know your junk food Dan dan the big juice man got the pizza puff at 99baht and Mark V V from the facebook pagk got the KFC for 399baht. so i been out and about on google and have stopped off in Australia today for a shop. Bar question: How much is a Botte of Bundaberg Rum cost you in Coles supermarket? answer in $ Forum Question: How much will a 400g Jar of Vegemite cost you in the same supermarket? (prefer Marmite myself)
  4. The forum was one by SP Dave he guessed 10 rand he was nearest the answer was 9.99 rand. No one got the bar answer it was 127.99 So todays price is right question a little closer to home Bar question: At the Pizza Company how much is a jumbo pizza Puff? answer in Baht Forum Question: and at Kfc how much is a celebration bucket set? answer in Baht
  5. Well it was pot luck with your answers yesterday for the forum i will give the win to the person who gets close to the answer. Thinkingallowed from Live won with his guess of $4.51 the correct answer was $4.25 in the Bar no such luck the answer i wanted was 17 pounds. So again We try today. Bar Question: In South Africa how much will a bottle of J&B cost you in Checkers Supermarket. Answer in Rand. Forum Question: In the same shop how much will a 125g bag of lays original flavour cost you? Guess guess guess thats the object this week of the quiz. If you are after a poppy t
  6. Hey if you didnt know its MONDAY its quiz time and the day we reveal the new promos for the month. I mentioned that we were the cheapest on the soi for San mig light 105 buy one get one free but we are also cheapest on the Chang Classis at 80 buy one get one free. Our Mont Clair Wine is great value at 100baht buy one get one free. The pound has dropped again the girls prices have gone up so WHY PAY MORE for your drink? Todays questions this week are on how much things cost around the world? Bar Question: How much is a 1ltr bottle of Barcardi in tesco's UK? Answer in pounds. Forum Ques
  7. We end the week with no one getting the Bar question the answer was O.P.P - Ontario Provincial Police very hard. The Forum was won by a new person welcome to the Quiz SFSnake007 from PattayaClub he got the answer Serpico first if MM had set his alarm clock he would of won So the weekend is upon us lots of football and sport on over the next few days so get in and give us a chance to impress you with the Buy one get one free and Being the Cheapest Bar in the Soi with San miguel Light only 105 buy one get one free Why pay more?
  8. Aghhhhh too easy yesterday i thought i would stump you and you proved me wrong. Well done to MM from PattayaTalk who got the forum answer correct first it was Sympathy for the Devil, Rolling Stones. The bar question did prove to be harder no one got Walk like an Eygptian (Bangles) Todays the last day lets see how it goes with these questions. Bar question: Which police badge was Paul wearing on the Sgt. Peppers album ? Forum Question: In which film did Al Pacino play an undercover cop in New York City ?
  9. We had a new bar winner yesterday not only is Thinkingallowed racking up the points on the live forum he is now visiting the bar and Winning the free drink with his answer The Dream of the Blue Turtles. The forum Win went to BruceK over at the Club forum guessing Hawaii Five-0. Todays questions are quotes from songs with police in the title. Bar question: Name the song and the singer/group. "If you want to find all the cops they're hanging out in the donut shop" Forum Question: Name the song and the singer/group. "just as every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints" A lot har
  10. A tricky one yesterday i caught both the bar and the forums out with the questions. Kev from Pattaya Addicits did get the forum answer correct of Bow street runners no one got the slang term which was Red Breasts not the Peelers that came 80years later. The bar we got close but no one got all the correct people. Cowboy, construction worker, American indian, military man and the leather man. Todays questions Bar question: What was the title of ex Police man Sting's first solo album ? Forum Question: Chin Ho Kelly was a robust policeman in which very popular US TV series ?
  11. You all started off well this week SP Pete getting the bar question correct with Keystone cops and ThinkingAllowed getting the correct answer lots of you said Mounties but you didnt read the question correctly did you the answer was. R.C.M.P. - Royal Canadian Mounted Police and. N.W.M.P. North West Mounted Police. Bar Question: Other than the policeman, name the 5 other 'characters' in the Village People. Forum Question: What name was given to the first body of fleet footed professional constables formed in England in the 1750's ? Will Accept the Slang name as well.
  12. We have taken the decision that this years Halloween party will be canceled. Its a tough call as so many bars seem to be going against the Guidelines that we have been asked to follow. I Know our customers will Understand that we would like to Respect the Thai Culture as well as still trade as a business and a few small Sacrifices sometimes do need to be made. This weeks quiz is on Law/ Police Bar question: What was the name given to the bungling inept policemen in the early films produced by Max Sennet ? Forum Question: Who always gets their man ? and what were they called prior to 190
  13. A good win for jacko in Pattayatalk for his answer Mainland Italy and Sicily the forum was not won the answer was Pinto. Its the weekend and it looks like its going to be a little quieter for the next 15days we will observe what ever the Thai Culture and Police ask us to do. If that means no music or sound on the tv and to close early thats what we will do. There is a lot of sport on this weekend Boxing F1 and Moto Gp on Sunday. Football and Rugby on Saturday Have a good weekend see you the other side,
  14. Pattaya addicts won yesterday with KevCov getting the answer of CIA and the Bar win went to Seig Graham for his power of the German war and knowing that the answer was Sealion. Last day of the week heres the questions Bar Question: Which breed of horse is also the name for a kind of bean? Forum Question: What does the Strait of Messina separate?
  15. We have a New winner for the Forums Harry Brown got the really tough answer yesterday with Concert for Bangladesh the bar was not answered i was looking for the rolling stones. Today questions Bar question: The amphibious and airborne German plan to invade Britain in 1940 was known as Operation what? Forum Question: The OSS was the predecessor of which organisation?
  16. Well done to Allan Jockeys for his win yesterday Tommy was the answer and a Facebook Winner for the Forums with the Baltic Sea. Todays questions are. Bar Question: Which band has had a record 36 top ten albums in the US charts? Forum Question: Which 1972 album was the only number one UK album in the 1970s with the name of a country in the album title? (note: The word America is not the name of a country) Good Luck
  17. Its Tuesday that means its the day after Monday and a little more closer to Wednesday. Yesterday we see Aloo Aloo Alan banging his head on the wall as he couldnt name the Replicants in one of his fav films blade runner. But Thinkingallowed from Live board didnt have a problem getting guessing the answer of World cup Mascots. Lets see how you all do today. Bar Question: Uncle Ernie, cousin Kevin and Captain Walker are some of the characters in which opera/Musical? Forum question: The three worst maritime disasters in history all occurred in 1945. In which sea did all three ships go down
  18. Hey hey hey its Monday hope you all made it through the weekend good to see so many faces from the forums pop by and say hello and also good to see some of you when i was out on my travels in walking street last night. So this weeks Quiz has no Theme so its pot luck. Bar Question:What are the genetically engineered robots called in the film 'Blade Runner'? Forum Question: Goleo, Spheriks, Ciao, Naranjito and Tip & Tap were all examples of what? Usual Rules no googleing and please PM the Forum Answer
  19. No surprise that Thinkingallowed of pattaya live won the last two answers he does love his anagrams the answers were GREAT EXPECTATIONS and MOLL FLANDERS the bar no one got which was SENSE AND SENSIBILITY and WUTHERING HEIGHTS. So that ends the week of questions. This weekend its good to see some familiar faces starting to return back to Pattaya "Papa Tony" The two scotish Girls who no doubt will be in Soi 6 and walking street We also the the football return to the screens liverpool, united and city all playing in the bar with Sound. some rugby and tennis and ten pin bowling Have a gre
  20. Ok was in BKK for a day and left the questions in the bar so here a double helping to make up for yesterday. BTW Aloo Aloo Alan won the Bar question TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA and thinking allowed got the Forum Answer of TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES. Bar Questions: SNIDENESS BY ALIENIST and WIN THUGGISH THREE Forum Questions: CASTIGATE ON EXPERT and SMALL FONDLER
  21. All of them Fantasic at there jobs you got the A-listers of the managers currently in the Gogo scene.
  22. Some days are better than others with the answers Thinkingallowed from the Live forum got THE TENANT OF WILDFELL HALL no one got the Bar question they got the abbey part just not the rest. NORTHANGER ABBEY was the answer. So todays a little easier or harder ? Bar Question: NAUSEATE NOW STYLED THE SANE RUDE THUG Forum question: FILTH DESERVES TROUBLES
  23. Well done to Paul on the Facebook page www.Facebook.com/trianglebar for getting the answer first with Jane eyre and to Allan from Jockys in Soi Lengkee Todays questions Bar question: ANNOY THE GRABBER Forum Question: FLOWN FLATTENED ILL HEALTH
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