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Triangle Bar

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Everything posted by Triangle Bar

  1. First off today Its Goodbye Allan 18coins and Hello Allan Jockeys Soi Lengkee still the same person just a brand spanking new Restaurant. Good luck with the opening and wish you all the success in the future will be round for Breakfast later. So back to Business no one got the Bar question which is not a surprise the answer was Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton, Ric Grech and Steve Winwood. Jacko from Pattaya talk has come out of his hibernation and got the answer first with Mexico. Bar Question: What is a GONIOMETER used to measure? Forum Question: What name was giv
  2. A good start to what looks like its going to be a wet week. SP Pete got the answer Cardiff and won his free Leo. And Sexyman Pattayalive won the forum with the North Sea. Just a Reminder the Bruntys Cider is only on Buy one Get one Free until the end of the month so if you haven't had chance to try the new flavors get in soon. Bar question. Who were the four members of sixties “Super-Group” Blind Faith? Forum Question: Which country has the biggest population of Spanish speakers?
  3. A happy Monday to you all. Great results this weekend with the sport, we got the ashes back on starting Thursday will England be able to hold its Lead? So this weeks questions will be just random questions. No Theme, no connections, Please don't Google the answer and pm the Forum answer Bar question: Which city hosted the first Rugby League Magic Weekend in 2007? Forum Question: In which body of water would you find the Farne Islands? Have a great Day
  4. Morning guys so its the weekend and we have football on all weekend man city and Sunderland, Liverpool and Thailand, and a few others the f1 is on whos going to take pole? Plus the usual sports rugby etc. So yesterdays winners were Allan 18coins with Fire Dance and Sexyman pattayalive with the Twist. Have a great weekend and see you all monday
  5. Aloo Aloo alan back to his winning ways with the first person answering the Bar question Morris Dance. Jacko from Pattayatalk also came on form being the first to answer the forum question of Can Can. The facebook guys you were only minutes behind him. So its the last day today we got the weekend upon us F1 on sunday, Football, Tennis, Tiddly winks. make sure you get in early to reserve your spaces. Bar question. To Sack? Forum question. To Sprain? End on some easy ones check out the pictures of the fishing trip in the post above have a great weekend.
  6. here are the pictures of the fishing trip http://s1303.photobucket.com/user/trianglebar/library/Fishing%20trip%2023July%202013 if your intrested in coming on the next trip pop in and speak to chris
  7. Well it seems that the two days off gave your brains a rest lots of you answering the questions yesterday and getting it right the winners were Bar questions was Allan 18coins with Cha Cha Cha and choonsy Pattayamotorbikes.com on the Pattayaclub forum popped his cherry and correctly answered Barn Dance. Please Pm your answers Bar question: Make of a car? Forum question: Two tins?
  8. Its Wednesday didnt those two dry days fly by? Well first off i would like to Thank everyone who came on the fishing trip with us. pictures will be uploaded later. The next trip is on the 5th December so put it in your diarys and dont miss out on a great day out. Today is Cocktail Party night. Fresh cocktails all made by our mixolgist in the bar. Having been invited to a few parties this week i thought i would theme the questions around styles of Dance. there Cryptic as usual heres an example: Block up? = Clog dance lets see if two days being dry has improved your thinking or completly destr
  9. Had a great night out in town thanks to everyone i got chance to meet and say hi to. We now have two spaces Available on the Fishing trip as someone has had to pull out due to unforseen problems. (get well soon) So get in quick because these space will be gone I think this is the first time its happened but BruceK managed to win both the forum then come into the bar hours later and win the Bar question. Well done Bruce and thanks for playing along. answers were Man o War and Superman The boys at pattaya Live won this week for most forum questions answered. So its a weekend of sport again, Cri
  10. a Double bubble for Pee Wee Pete this week he got the Bar question right again with Manuscript. no one attempted to guess the Forum answer of Man City. so no points there. Lets see how we do today. Bar Question: What other name is the Marine Cnidarian Bluebottle known as? Forum Queston: Who wears a Suit with the Sign for HOPE on the front?
  11. Yes from what i have read on here its hard work being the Stud of Walking street trying to keep all the ladies happy. I understand how easy it is to find days just vanishing. Will try and pop in this weekend to say hi.
  12. The was Tuesdays question yes the answer was Mandarin Dan won the prize for that
  13. Finally Australia win something a close game yesterday in the state of origin lots of good friendly banter going on. its also good to see that you forum guys have a sense of humor some of the answers yesterday were comical. Snowman and Mr Bean were just a few But we do have some winners Peewee Pete won the Bar question with Mandible and the Forum was won by the Pattayalive guys again but this time it was their star Player Sexyman with the correct answer of Mange Tout. Bar Question: What is the name of a literary or musical composition written with the hand, as opposed to a printed copy?
  14. Well its Wednesday so thats State of Origin Day in the bar. The tv's will be set the music system will be set the Beer will be cold all we need is you to come in and enjoy the final game. What has happened to you this week i gave you the Link on Monday All answers have MAN in them. So when i get Emperor, Im like a Bird and Keith as answers to the questions im thinking some of you missed the clues or are not paying attention. The bar was won by Dan Dan the Big Juice Man with Mandarin and no one got the Nelly Futado answer of Maneater. So lets continue with the MAN answers. Bar Question:
  15. A little Later today to spice things up yesterday the Aloo Aloo Alan won the Bar with Barry Manilow. and Plakapong from Pattaya live won the Forum with Manga. Bar question: What is the name of an official of the Chinese Empire and also a type of fruit? Forum Question: What is the name of the first track released by Nelly Furtado from her best-selling album Loose, in 2006?.
  16. What a fantasic weekend for sport MAN United Beaten and MAN City Beaten come on MAN only a few weeks left till the Season starts. Then there was the Ashes, England just won the first test MANy didnt think it was going to happen but we MANaged to get the win. This week sees the State of Origin I think Australia have a chance of Winning this!!! So Lets start this weeks Quiz there is a link as always with the Answers I have given you 5 clues in the above sentances Hope you MANaged to find them (another clue) Remember please PM the forum Answer to me dont post it in the open. And the Bar quest
  17. Its the Weekend so give your brains a break hope your enjoyed this weeks quiz good to see some new players joining in and playing along. So the bar Question went unanswered what i was looking for was Braveheart. But a big well done to Boss Hogg of Pattayatalk who correctly answered the question and PM me the answer of Grubb This weekend has Cricket, Moto GP, some Rugby. The fishing trip is almost full very very limited spaces now so book up before its too late. Have a great weekend
  18. Well it was nice to see Admins and mods of the boards playing along with everyone else. The Forum Winner was MM from Pattayatalk with Epsilon The Bar winner was Allan 18coins with Angola Last day of the week so will make it hard today. Bar question: Silence of the lambs, Unforgiven, Schindlers list, Forrest Gump whats next? Forum Question: Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Guthbert, Dibble. whats next?
  19. I Didnt do so well yesterday Graham got the Bar answer with Ruth Ellis (All women hanged in Uk) and Sexyman PL got the Forum answer with Freddy ( members of Queen) The Ashes has started so if you want to watch the lastest action then come into the bar. Fishing trip is getting booked up quickly another 4 spaces yesterday booked and paid for. Bar Question: Whats next? Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, ? Forum Question: alpha. Beta, gamma, delta, ?
  20. well that stumped you all the answers were bar question was Borneo (Island sizes) and the forum answer was Platinum (traditional wedding anniversaries 45, 50, 55, 60 and 70). he he he a double bubble for me lets try to see if i can make it two in a row. Who comes next Bar question: Dorothea Waddingham, Charlotte Bryant, Margaret Allen, Louisa Merrifield, Styllon Christofi ? Forum Question: Roger, John, Brian ?
  21. A good start from everyone for a monday Allan 18 coins getting the bar question with Bush senior and BruceK the pattayaclub being first with the right answer of Macmillan. so we make it a little harder today what come next. Bar Question: Australia, Greenland, New Guinea, ? Forum question: Sapphire, Gold, Emerald, Diamond ?
  22. Are you stalking me? ok your turn to hide now i will start counting 1,2,3,..... Good you found us hope you play along with the quiz questions and give us any feed back good and bad on the bar.
  23. Well What a weekend the Lions winning, A British Tennis Player winning a first in 77 years and some German guy driving his F1 car into first place. So we start the week all over again looking forward to the Ashes starting this week and Moto GP some football as well. This weeks theme is What Comes Next. Example. Q,W,E,R,T,Y,? THE ANSWER IS U see nice and easy. Bar question? Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, ? Forum Question? Churchill, Attlee, Churchill, Eden, ? No Googleing and Pm the Forum answer please.
  24. Whats the rush? thought i would post a little later today for you that were wondering what the answers were. No one got the bar question it was isle of white the forum was answered by Sexy-man Pattayalive with pinocchio. This weekend we have the German F1 and the mens and womens Tennis final, Rugby some fighting and supercars V8. Look forward to seeing you over the weekend. Dont forget to book your place on the fishing trip
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