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Triangle Bar

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Everything posted by Triangle Bar

  1. Superbowl will be on in the bar tomorrow morning With Sound. We will be starting the BOGOF Offer early for anyone that wants to drink.
  2. Gabor everyone is welcome in the Triangle bar and to attend any events we have so please if your intrested come in and speak to me i will give you the run down and sign you up if you want to come.
  3. Its Party night in the Triangle Bar, Expect lots of Fun, Food, and Entertainment, The Specials offers today will be Russian standard Vodka + Mixer for only 100Baht BOGOF. We will also have the Draught Ciders on Special 69baht for Half and 129baht for a Pint. At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  4. I have not forgotten about the quiz but have been very busy this last few weeks with things and this week sees the launch of the Triangle on Tap bar and our party on Friday. All will resume next week.
  5. The last 2 trips have been fantastic to quote a guy last night he said "best day out i have had, Because i cant remember a thing" We only run these trip on Buddha days so the next days will be the 13th may, and either 11th,12th july.
  6. Triangle Bar has a Fishing trip is planned again for the 14th of Feb another Dry day in Pattaya so get out of town have a drink and do something different, limited spaces will be available. Price includes a days sea fishing, lunch, transport to and from the Triangle bar and fishing equipment all for 575 per person. Drinks are Buy one get one free the same as you pay in the bar. please see Chris in the bar to save your spot.
  7. Its a mega Monday full of news and promos. Lets start off with the Launch of Triangle On Tap our new Draught bar we open it today with two Ciders on Tap. Kepplers and Thatchers Gold for the price of 79baht for Half and 139baht for a pint. (these are excluded from the BOGOF promo) Later on we will introduce two Draught beers (Stella and Hoegaarden fingers crossed) Also the Triangle Fishing trip is planned again for the 14th of Feb another Dry day in Pattaya so get out of town have a drink and do something different, limited spaces will be available. Price includes a days sea fishing, lunch
  8. The Forum was won by Thinkingallowed from Live forum with the answer RAT (Chinese new year symbols) no one could manage to get the bar answer in the bar but clever Botoetlog from Live did get the answer Grubb if he had been in town and come into the bar he could of won a drink its that simple. Last day of the week and a dry weekend coming up and No football so you all take it easy Todays Promo in the bar is Vodka + Mixer 100baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  9. Just got back from Makro This sign is plastered everywhere looks like a Dry weekend in Town Can any Ago Go or Other Bars confirm they are closed!
  10. Well done Jacko From Talk for getting Argentina as the forum Answer and steve got the easy bar answer with The Meaning of Life a big monty python fan as i have now found out Bar Question: Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Guthbert, Dibble ? Forum Question: Dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig ? Todays Promo in the bar is Mont Clair Wine 95Baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight. At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  11. so the Uk Kings of England were not and area that you have knowledge on!!! James for the Bar question correct with Bush they were of course US presidents. Lets see how you do today. Bar question: And now for something completely different, The Holy Grail, The life of Brian Forum Question: Brazil, Brazil, England, Brazil, West Germany Todays Promo in the bar is Leo 85baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  12. Tuesday is Sangsom day so it will be busy today. Very limited stock of the London Pride so get it while you can. Yesterdays bar was answered by steve with U and Jacko just beat MM to the answer for the forum with Burton. Bar Question: Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan? Forum Question: Edward I, Edward II. Edward III, Richard II? What comes next. Todays Promo in the bar is Sangsom + Mixer 50baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  13. So Friday ended with Thinkingallowed getting a win for Nigel Benn well done Rockhouse fourm. the Bar win went to Dave for Curling. Monday is upon us and another week of fun fun fun. This weeks Theme is what comes next. Bar question: QWERTY? Forum Question Wilding, Todd, Fisher. Todays Promo in the bar is Chang Beer 75Baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  14. Its Friday the end of a busy week. By Now a lot of you will know that we are installing a draught Beer system into the bar. What beers /Ales / Stouts would you like to see being sold? would be good to hear from you the customer. Yesterday the winners were bar: (i)Hampshire, (ii) Yorkshire, (iii) Worcestershire, (iv) Surrey and (v) Durham and the forum was won by Hayy brown from the Addicits forum with 22balls. last day of questions Bar: In which sport do you throw stones at a house? Forum: Which British boxer was known as “The Dark Destroyer”? Todays Promo in the bar is Vod
  15. Well im safely back relaxed and red. On Tuesday the winners were Bar: James g with Ayrton Senna and the forum was won by Pattayaaddicits member Thomo with Goal shooter and Goal Attack. Bar question:Which English county cricket teams play at the following grounds,(i)Rose Bowl, (ii) Headingley, (iii) New Road, (iv) The Oval and (v) The Riverside? Forum Question: At the start of a game of snooker how many balls are on the table? Todays Promo in the bar is Mont Clair Wine 95Baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight and we still have some bottles of London Pride left at 120B bogo
  16. Wednesday and no questions as I'm sitting on a boat to koh larn. Today's drink promo is Leo but we also have London pride for a very limited time only 120 baht buy one get one free. Enjoy your day
  17. Well monday started off with Thinkingallowed coming into the bar to claim the Bar prize with Stockholm. And Mr BruceK moving over to the Facebook page to win the forum Answer with 1967. Bar Question: Who won three Formula One World Championships between 1988 and 1991? Forum Question: Which two positions in Netball can score a goal? Todays Promo in the bar is Sangsom + Mixer 50baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  18. Happy Monday to you. Here are some updates we have just received our new delivery of Beer Lao so its back in stock for you. We will also be serving food from 10am until Midnight Daily. Ask our staff for a Menu. This weeks Theme is Sport. Bar Question:Which city hosted the summer Olympics in 1912? Forum Question: In which year did 100-1 outsider Foinavon win the Grand National? Todays Promo in the bar is Chang Beer 75Baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  19. Yesterday was the last day of the quiz for the week again the bar answer was not got lots of guesses no one near. British Air Line Pilots Association. The Forum was won by TJ from Facebook with 3.5tons. Well done and see you back in the land of smiles very soon. Todays Promo in the bar is Carlsberg 95baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS Extended Happy Hour until the BPL is finished
  20. From one extreme to another lots of you got yesterdays answers the Bar was one by john for Artists and Repertoire and the forum was won by Jacko at pattaya talk for Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus. Bar question: Which group of workers are represented by the trade association BALPA? Forum Question: . In the UK at which weight does a LGV become an HGV? Todays Promo in the bar is Vodka + Mixer 100baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  21. Dear oh dear i stumped both the forum and the bar yesterday. im going to have to make it really easy today. i was looking for the answers Bar: National Criminal Intelligence Service. and Forum: Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow. Bar Question: In the music business, what is an A&R man? Forum Question: Invented by Jacques Cousteau, what is SCUBA equipment? Todays Promo in the bar is Mont Clair Wine 95Baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  22. Very Popular day yesterday sangsom and mixer for only 50baht todays offer is just as good. Pepe le pew has made it 2 in a row for the forum win with the correct answer of OPEC = Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries while OAPEC = Organisation of ARAB Petroleum Exporting Countries. no one got the bar question which was Women’s International Boxing Federation. Bar Question: NCIS when applied to the TV series stands for Naval Criminal Investigation Service, but what is the NCIS in the UK? Forum Question: . Part of Disneyland in Florida, what is EPCOT? Todays Promo in the bar i
  23. Too easy for you Phil the thrill got the bar answer with Music of Black Origin and Pepe Le Pew from Addicits got the answer first with ASH=Action on Smoking and Health FOREST= Freedom Organisation For The Right To Enjoy Smoking Tobacco. Glad to see so many people playing along can i just remind you to pm the answers please as it makes it more fun for people if the answer is not printed. Bar question: Which Sports organisation is represented by the acronym WIBF? Forum question: What is the difference between OPEC and OAPEC? Todays Promo in the bar is Sangsom + Mixer 50baht Buy one
  24. So last week ended with thinkingallowed winning again for the live forum the answer was Macedonia and with Dave the rave winning the bar question with Braveheart. So again its a new week and a new theme Abbreviations & Acronyms Bar Question: Awarded on an annual basis, which type of music are the MOBO awards for? Forum Question: In which area do ASH and FOREST represent opposing views? Not an easy Start but also not to hard. Todays Promo in the bar is Chang Beer 75Baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am till midnight At The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  25. Well done to Thinkingallowed pattayalive for the Forum win the post office was the answer and the bar was not guessed right it was England. But special mention to ProudAussie for Knowing if only he had come into the bar he would of claimed his drink. Bar Question: 20 years ago Which movie, starring Mel Gibson was switched from Scotland (its historical setting) to Ireland to take advantage of tax breaks? Forum Question: Which country, formerly part of Yugoslavia, did the Greeks refuse to recognise,? Todays Promo in the bar is Vodka + Mixer 100baht Buy one get one Free Starts 8am t
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