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Triangle Bar

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Everything posted by Triangle Bar

  1. The Dogs doing a lot better for those that sent me pm's 6000baht later and the owner of the other dog wont pay :S So yesterday the answers were Vulcan which was got by BigStu no one answers the forum which was Speak and Spell. Who wrote the following sci-fi classics ? Bar question: Coma Forum Question: Do Androids dream of electric sheep? The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  2. Sorry for the late start had a emergency at the vets today some soi dog will be paying the price later. Well and ok start to the week kevcov got the forum answer 2001 a space odyssey. No one came into the bar to win the free drink it pissreck did pm me the correct answer yogon. Today's questions Bar question: what planet does Spock come from? Forum question: what children's toy did e.t use to phone home?
  3. Well im allowed back to manage the bar so what have i missed? Lets clear up Wednesdays answers and winners Well done to steve from Facebook for getting the forum answer of Minneapolis and well done to Peter P who got the bar answer of New york. Verry easy. So another short week again for me here until Wednesday (if anyone is looking for a manager for 3 days a week let me know ) This weeks theme is Sci-fi. Bar question: What kind of poetry is annoying in "The Hitch Hikers guide to the Galaxy"? Forum Question: In which film, who sings "Daisy Daisy give me your answer do...." after loo
  4. Well last day of questions as im off tomorrow until next week, Im making the answers easy today. Yesterday Materialsman gets a win for the forum and an extra point for making me work so hard on the answer. I was looking for Manila for the correct answer but have since found that Hong Kong, Panang, and a few other places claim to be the Pearl of the orient. Bar question: What city is known as the Big apple Forum Question: The Mini Apple Have a great week see you all on Sunday
  5. Im not doubting your claim but if you type into Google "what city is known as shaky town" you will get back many results saying San Francisco. Not that you allowed to use Google to answer the questions!
  6. Well First day back at the Helm and we got a bar winner with Allan 18Coins getting Prague as the answer winning himself a free drink No one got San Francisco for the Forum. Bar question: The Athens of the North Forum question: The Pearl of the Orient Todays Promo in the bar is Three Oaks Cider 90Baht each Dry Apple, Wildberry, Peach. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  7. So back for a few days let the questions begin. Usual rules apple no googleing the answers, First one into the bar with the correct answer wins a free drink (you have to be a paying customer) PM the forum answer to me dont post in the open as it spoils it for others. This weeks theme is Nicknames for cities. E.g The Big Apple is New York. Ok you get the idea Bar question: The City of 100 Spires Forum question: Shaky Town Todays Promo in the bar is JagerBombs 110 BOGOF. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  8. Well im back in the bar after a short break. Hope you all missed the questions and the daily promotions. Will be back to normal tomorrow. Today in the Bar we got the F1 starts at 6pm I have a really special promotion today for limited time while stocks last Todays Promo in the bar is Cider Punch 50baht a 1/2 pint glass. Limited stock. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  9. Its Aussie Day in the Bar tomorrow dont miss the state of origin and them followed by the World cup.
  10. A Big well done to Cluster from Pattaya Talk for being the first to get the answer right of First lady of the united states. and a late win for max/Mac with Planet of the apes. Well its the weekend we have the international Rugby on today from 2pm and the f1 on tomorrow. im on my hols next week so a bit of peace and quiet on the boards see you all in a weeks time. Weekend promotion is draught cider 129 a pint
  11. Ouch a little hard for you yesterday But the good thing shows your not using Google to answer the questions so thankyou for that. The answers were Bar Question = 17 and the forum question was Crocodile, Alligator, Cayman (Caiman) and Gavial (Gharial) someone did get 3 of the four nice try. We now have Traditional Scrumpy Cider in the bar its very very strong and only 110 a pint. Limited offer. No Live music in the bar tonight due to other bars holding a party and we all know Thai Karaoke out blasts other sound on this planet! We have moved for this week only our band to Sunday night.
  12. Phew its such a nice morning after all that rain last night the Temp has dropped a little. Thankyou Patrick for last nights musical experience the electric guitar was a nice change question being won bge. Yesterday had the bar question being won by Steve the only he was over the moon he got Andy Gray. The forum Win went to Materialsman again even with his late entry "because of work" Poor excuse he managed to give the right answer of Graffiti . Bar Question: Which Number is considered an unlucky number in Italy? Forum Question: Name the four members of the order known as Crocodili
  13. You did it correctly yesterday Cluster with the PM you sent it was that you were just not as quick as the person who got it right. Thanks for playing along im sorry i don't respond directly to every PM as i get between 15 and 30 a day from the different forums. Keep playing as some times its not won until late in the evening.
  14. Lets start with some Good news Beer Lao Dark now in stock 115 Buy one Get one free. Its music night in the Bar Patrick will be playing his usual set getting you up rocking and rolling. Yesterday some really random answers to the questions that i posed. The forum was one by Materialsman for The club Forum he is spreading his wins. The correct answer was 2001: A Space Odyssey. It seems not many people have read the book Through the Looking-Glass as the answer comes from that book it was Jabberwocky. An easy one for the bar today a little harder for the forum. Bar question: As of 2014, wh
  15. Tuesday what a great day maybe the best day of the week. Yesterday Materialsman won for the live forum with Currencies and the bar was a little too tricky for everyone it was wine making. Bar Question: Which creature was slain with a vorpal blade near the Tumtum tree? Forum Question: The Discovery is an ill fated space ship in which film? Todays Promo in the bar is San mig Light 100Baht Buy one get one free. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  16. Happy Monday morning to you all. With all this Curfew early nights and the bar rocking on Music nights its about time i had a Holiday. So from this Thursday i will be taking a well earned break. So being a short week for us there is no Theme to the Quiz just random questions. Bar question: Oenology (or Onology) is the science of making what? Forum Question: Gourde, Lempira, Rial, Won, Ringgit, Togrog and Cordoba are all examples of what? Todays Promo in the bar is Australian Red Wine 400 Baht A Bottle The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  17. Thinkingallowed won the forum with Poland and no one came to the bar to win, the answer was Argentina. Curfew still on to midnight so get in early i hate kicking people out the bar because its closing time Weekend Promo in the bar is Draught Cider 129 a pint. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  18. MM from Pattayatalk was first again with the forum answer Romania and Mike got the bar answer of Chile Last lot of questions for the week see how you do. Any thoughts on what you want next weeks theme to be? Live Music in the bar again tonight We know how to Party and we invite you to come along and join us. Bar Question: In which country was revolutionary Che Guevara born? Forum Question: which country had "The May Coup d'État"? Todays Promo in the bar is Beer Lao 100Baht Buy one get one free. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  19. Well done Materialsman from the club for getting such an easy question right for the forum it was Tiananmen Square and to P1 Pete for getting two right this week with Bounty. Back to being a little harder today Bar Question: Salvador Allende was killed during a coup by the army in which South American country in 1973? Forum Question: In which country was Nicolae Ceausescu executed after an army uprising in 1990? Todays Promo in the bar is Smirnoff Ice Honey 120Baht Buy one get one free. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  20. Well we wake up today with the good news that things are starting to settle down and the bars are open a little longer. Get back in the party Spirit With Patrick and a excellent live music night kicks off around 8pm. ck to Yesterday Jacko won the forum question with Sudan no one got the bar answer james II. So back to easy questions today. Bar question: The Pitcairn islands are the islands where 9 mutineers settled in 1790. On which ship did they mutiny? Forum Question: Where in Beijing did pro democracy students stage an unsuccessful protest in 1989? Todays Promo in the bar is
  21. Breaking news we will be open until midnight from Wednesday night http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Junta-changes-curfew-time-to-midnight--4-am-30234802.html
  22. Well what a clever bunch you are you know your Coups and revolutions MM from Talk answered within minutes of the question being posted and P1 Pete won the bar question the answers were Forum Hungary, Bar Uganda. Bar Question: Which British king was dethroned by the Glorious revolution? Forum Question: In which African Country was their a military coup on the 6th April 1985 while President Nimeiri was out of the country? Todays Promo in the bar is Singha 90Baht Buy one get one free. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  23. Fingers Crossed everything returns to normal today. But what is Normal in this crazy city? This weeks Topical Quiz is on Coups and Revolutions (none of the answer are to do with Thailand) Usual Rules no google no posting the answer in the open please just pm the forum answer. Bar Question: In which country was Milton Obote overthrown by Idi Amin in 1971? Forum Question: Which country revolted against its communist government and soviet alliance in October 1956, resulting in occupation by Soviet tanks? Todays Promo in the bar is Finlandia Vodka + Mixer 100Baht Buy one get one free.
  24. Opps guys sorry for not posting the answer yesterday with all this coup and curfew it totally slipped my mind. So Fridays answers and winners were ...... Well there were no winners as everyone gave me wrong answers. The Forum answer was Game of life. Not Monopoly as about 10 of you guessed. The bar answer was Infantry, Calvary And Artillery. F1 on tonight get in watch it and get home before the Curfew. See you all monday
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