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Triangle Bar

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Everything posted by Triangle Bar

  1. The Bar Has been Spruced up the Painting is now finished Only a few more changes over the next month keep an eye out for them. The next couple of days there will be heavy rain so remember if your in the bar we are raised up and not prone to the floods. A Possible special music night tonight we are still awaiting confirmation so if your in the area of the bar come along and check it out. This Tuesday is Reggae Night. Wednesday is Patrick's Set Thursday and Friday Haji will be rocking the place. No questions this week. Just Promotions and the Outrageous October sticker competiti
  2. Yes thewhole bar is CCTV but a phone in their face recording them is a lot better as it picks up on what they say as well
  3. Guys just a heads up. Last night during the City game around Midnight we had a visit from 3 Thai Guys, Two came into the Bar one stayed in the Truck. They Claim to of been from CTH and was asking for a Licence. There is no such thing. As soon as they spoke to my staff and they pointed out i was the Manager. I took my phone out and started to record them. Within minutes of me doing this they made their exit from the bar. Not likeing they were being recorded the whole time. We pay our CTH bill monthly there is no special Licence. Now these guys are either opportunists thinking the bar is und
  4. Sprucing up the place, We like our customers to enjoy the environment they drink in.
  5. End of the week Well done to brian for getting the last of the bar questions correct of Michael Douglas no one attempted the forum answer an easy Jayden Smith. The connection that was got by Thinkingallowed early in the week is they all followed their fathers footsteps in the same profession. This weekend we have F1, NRL Final, Bpl, Tiddly Winks, Cludo and Snakes and Bar girls i got a bit carried away i think. Weekend Promos are Green Goblin Aged Oak Cider 6% abv 129B a Pint Kepplers Draught Dry Cider 4.8% abv 129B a pint Thatchers Gold Medium Cider 4.8% abv 129B a pint The Tr
  6. Well done cluster from Talk for getting the forum answer correct it was Kiefer Sutherland and the bar goes to phil again for Damon Hill Last day of the week live music tonight. Sport all over the weekend not forgetting the F1 and NRL finals on Sunday. Bar question: Who won an Oscar as producer of One flew over the cuckoos nest in 1975 and as an actor in 1987 for his role in Wall Street? Forum Question. What is the name of the older brother of Willow smith? Todays Promo in the bar is B52 110 Baht Buy one get one free. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  7. Yesterday the win went to Jacko on the talk forum with Johan Strauss and to chris in the bar with Jamie Redknapp. The connection has been connected by thinkingallowed I missed his PM. I wont reveal the connection until Saturday so you can still play along. Bar question: Prior to Lewis Hamilton, who was the last British driver to win the Formula 1 world drivers championship? Forum Question: Who plays the role of Jack Bauer in the TV series 24? Todays Promo in the bar is Jagerbomb 100 Baht Buy one get one free. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  8. Its the First of October that means its Outrageous October in the bar this is Year 3 of us doing this competition. come into the bar collect a Triangle Sticker and stick it somewhere outrageous in Pattaya or else where. Take a pic and email it to me at cboss93@gmail.com or post it on the business thread. Remember no nudity but apart from that everything else goes. The prizes are the most outrageous place wins a bottle of Finlandia Vodka, The sticker to travel the furthest distance gets a bottle of Sambuca. This competition runs the whole month so get in get your sticker and take a pic.
  9. Well that was a disappointing start to the week. the answers from yesterdays questions were. Bar: George W Bush and forum: Enrique Iglesias. Lets see how you go today Bar question: Who played the role of Captain America alongside Jack Nicholson and Dennis Hopper in the 1968 film Easy Rider? Forum Question: Born in 1949, which English novelist's works include The Rachel Papers, London Fields and Times Arrow? Todays Promo in the bar is Kiren Beer 100 Baht Buy one get one free. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  10. Happy Monday to you all another lovely week in Pattaya and lots of offers for you coming from the Triangle. Its Almost October that means its Outrageous October. Time to Sticker Pattaya with Triangle Bar stickers full details will be posted on the First. This weeks Music line up the same as the previous week. Tuesday Haji and band Wednesday The Shedwrecker (Blues night) Patrick on his own Thursday. Haji filling in until we get a new act to fill this spot (any suggestions of good singers, Bands please pm us) NO THAI BANDS Friday Haji ending the week This weeks Theme is Connections
  11. Its the Weekend and there's a lot of sports on this weekend AFL Finals Saturday morning, NRL Semi Finals, and BPL this evening and on the big screen. Yesterday the winners were bar Paul with MANUEL & his music of the mountains and well done SP Pete for getting the forum. Andrew Sachs. The Connection. was Fawlty Towers. Weekend Promos are Green Goblin Aged Oak Cider 6% abv 129B a Pint Kepplers Draught Dry Cider 4.8% abv 129B a pint Thatchers Gold Medium Cider 4.8% abv 129B a pint Cream Flow Ale 100B a pint. While Stocks last The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  12. Last day of the week and last questions of the week. Well done to Jim for getting the bar with GEOFFREY PALMER and to Harry Brown from Addicts for giving me such an in depth answer for Dessert Rats. By now you should all of got the connections with this weeks answers. Thinkingallowed managed it early on in the week. If not heres the last lot of questions: Bar Question: Under what name did the band leader Geoff Love have hits such as The Honeymoon Song and Rodrigro?s Guitar Concerto de Aranjuez? Forum Question: In 2008 Russel Brand and Jonathan Ross were suspended from BBC radio over a
  13. well done to Kev Cov for getting Sybil correct for the forum and to Brian for getting the answer Basil for the Bar answer. If you cant get the connections from those two answers you need to think harder. Live music tonight Bar question: Who played Ben in Butterflies? Forum Question: What was the nickname that was given to members of the 7th British Armoured Division which in 1940 took the badge of Jerboa, although many other soldiers later took this nickname? Todays Promo in the bar is Kiren Beer 100 Baht Buy one get one free. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  14. Well done Jacko who stormed in there yesterday to claim the forum win with the answer Kipper. No one got the Bar question: Torquay. Someone has got the link but i wont reveal it yet see if you can work it out. Todays answers will give you the biggest clues. Live Music 8pm tonight in the bar Patrick will be on his own so come in and give him some support a little bit of rock and roll, soft rock, maybe some blues a good mix up. Bar question: What is the main herb in a Pesto sauce? Forum Question: Which US singer had top 10 hits in the UK in the 1990?s with Walk on by, The Love I lost
  15. A double whammy for SP Pete winning the forum and the bar. the answers were The Great Gatsby, and the forum was Berkley Tonight Haji kicks off our week of Live music. starts 8pm Bar question: Which football team play their home games at Plainmoor? Forum Question: What is the common name given to a split and cured salmon or herring? Todays Promo in the bar is Three Oaks Cider 80Baht , Dry Apple, Pear, Peach, Wildberry. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  16. Lets start this week with a lotto prediction 5-3 What a good weekend for sport and you know where to watch it. The thrills of F1 and upset of the football and the scrums of rugby/NRL This week the same as last week. This weeks music line up is Tuesday Haji and band Wednesday The Shedwrecker (Blues night) Patrick on his own Thursday. Haji filling in until we get a new act to fill this spot (any suggestions of good singers, Bands please pm us) NO THAI BANDS Friday Haji ending the week This weeks Theme is a Connection Bar question: Which F Scott Fitzgerald character did Robert R
  17. Well no one got the forum yesterday but the bar was won by Guess who Thinkingallowed he was out on Day release and popped into the bar to answer the question and claim his free drink. The answers were Forum: Edwin Landseer and the bar was :Romanesque. Weekend of sport NRL, AFL, F1 and BPL. All live all HD and A lot with sound. Weekend Promos are Green Goblin Aged Oak Cider 129B a Pint Kepplers Draught Dry Cider 129B a pint Thatchers Gold Medium Cider 129B a pint Cream Flow Ale 145B a pint. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  18. Well the votes are in the English Cider won with 20 votes and the Scottish Whiskey lost with 16 votes, Will the real vote come out the same wait and see. So Thinkingallowed won again he knows his art, the answer was Gaudi and the bar answer not won was The Wallace Collection. Bar Question: What style of architecture is referred to in England as Norman? Forum Question: Who designed the bronze lion statues in London's Trafalgar Square?- Todays Promo in the bar is Singha Light 75Baht Buy one get one free. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  19. Thinkingallowed won the forum yesterday with the answer John Everett Millais. no one got the bar answer which was Monet. A Big thankyou to Nick and Patrick for last nights music. It looks like half of Pattaya and some were in the bar last night to enjoy their last session together until next year. Tonight Haji is standing in for our vacant music slot. ​So as today could be the last days of Scotland we have two special promos on. And i shall be sporting the Tartan tonight. Bar question: Where in London would you be able to view Franz Hals "The Laughing Cavalier"? Forum Question: Whic
  20. Another Full night in the Bar not a empty seat to be had Thank you to Nick and Patrick for a great night, Good luck with your travels.
  21. Well done Sexyman from the live forum who answered within minutes of the question being posted it was very easy as a lot of you did get the Mona Lisa. The bar question stumped you only sp pete answering it but only after he told me he googled the answer. so no win there the answer was Rembrandt. Tonight is the Last Blues Night with the current line up, Nick is leaving us for a colder, wetter, and uglier women climate. Enjoy the UK when you arrive it might be a little Smaller if they get the Yes Vote. So come in and wish him a Bon voyage. Bar Question: The term "Impressionist" was used f
  22. Theres me thinking my email accounts could be frozen or my phone broken then i logged in this morning to see why no one answered the questions yesterday. Opps i forgot to add them to the post. Sorry guys i was so excited about my day off and going for lunch i forgot to add it. Tonight we have Singing in the rain !! Live music from 8pm So this weeks theme is on Art and Artist. Bar question: Who painted "The Night Watch"? Forum Question: "La Giaconda" by Leonardo da Vinci is another name for what? Todays Promo in the bar is Kirin Beer 100Baht Buy one get one free The Triangle Bar Y
  23. A Wet and wild weekend. There were goals scored, Fingers bitten, and Try's disallowed. That was talking to the girls in the Bar. We set a Facebook challenge this weekend to gets some new likes for our page. well done to everyone that shared the status theres a reward on facebook for everyone. www.facebook.com/trianglebar to get exclusive deals. click Like This weeks music line up is Tuesday Haji and band Wednesday The Shedwreckers (Blues night) This is their Last week in the bar before Nick returns to the UK. If you haven't seen them Get in this week Thursday. Haji filling in until
  24. A great end to the week Thanks Haji and a big thankyou to the San mig Girls and their new Beer Kirin. We will be launching it next Friday in the bar but have a few bottle if you want to buy before. Its 105B buy one get one free. Yesterday Materialsman Finally got one right and was quickest. he has been the quickest this week before but not the right answer. So a pat on the back well done. the Forum answer was Magic Roundabout. the bar answer went to john with LA Law. Remember let me know if you want a theme for next week. This weekend got Rugby, Nrl, Afl, Football and on Sunday Morn
  25. Well done to Thinkingallowed yesterday he won with the answer Have i got news for you the bar answer of keeping up appearances was won by shane who finally cracked it this week. Last day of the week last lot of questions whats next weeks theme i will let you make that choice. Bar question: The practice of jurisprudence in a major conurbation of Southern California Forum Question: Enchanting fairground attraction Todays Promo in the bar is Twisted Shots 70 Baht each or 5 for 300. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
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