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Triangle Bar

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Everything posted by Triangle Bar

  1. If you love live music and wanna see some fantasic singers you need to get into the bar tuesdays to fridays the line up of acts are amazing. Thankyou to the three girls last night who hit it out and left the crowd wanting more more more. This weekend we have an one off promotion that has never been done before. Our Draught Cider is on Buy one get one Free. 149Baht a pint buy one get one free. This offer starts Saturday and last all weekend or until we run out of stock. Tell everyone stop strangers in the street and say the Triangle Bar is doing buy one get one free on Draught Cider.
  2. Its TTTTTTTTT day today Truly, Terrific, Twisted shot Thursday, @ The Triangle Bar, With the Triangle Trio. These girls know how to sing, dance and perform. Get in, Get a cold beer and Enjoy the show. Yesterday we have a new contender playing for the addicts forum, well done rain_angelus for getting the forum answer of Citron Saxo and well done to Keith for going two in a row with the bar answer of Volkswagen Golf. Bar question: Large neat menu Forum Question: Lax valour cash Todays Promo in the bar is Twisted Shots 70Baht each or 5 for 300baht. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  3. Welcome to the Board. As Jacko has said we do a huge ranger of Ciders (19 choices last count) but we also have London Pride Ale, Beer Lao light and dark and have just installed SA Smooth cream Flow and Brains Black Stout on Draught. Hope that helps. Look forward to seeing you in the new year make sure you pop in and say hi. Board members always welcome.
  4. We made it mid week so lets celebrate yayyyyyyyy. Tonight is Blues night in the bar. If you haven't experienced one of our music nights i suggest that you come along tonight and see what all the fuss is about. Yesterday it was a double Keith day, Materialsman won the forum answer Hyundai Accent for the Pattaya Live forum (congrats on your anniversary guys) and Keith G won the Bar question with Nissan Micra. Bar question: Knave follows GG Forum question: Sex or action Todays Promo in the bar is Sangsom 60Baht Buy one get one free. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  5. Live music tonight with Haji and A N Other. kicks off at 8pm A good start to the week maybe i have made this too easy for you. The anagram king thinkingallowed from the pattayalive forum was first with the correct answer of Honda Accord and it didnt take long for james to come into the bar to win the free drink with Fiat punto. Bar question: Main sin cars Forum/Facebook question: An untidy cache Todays Promo in the bar is Three Oaks Cider 80Baht a bottle, Apple, Wildberry, Peach. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  6. Im the proud owner of my new 5 year driving licence after all the fiasco of getting it. So this weeks theme is all about cars but i like to mix it up a bit so its anagrams of cars. Bar question: I put on fat Forum/Facebook question: Roach and cod Todays Promo in the bar is Finlandia Vodka + Mixer 100Baht BOGOF. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  7. I stumped the forum with the last question of the week it was a film that i didn't even know he was in Around the World in Eighty Days.The Bar answer was easy with Jamie lee curtis being the correct answer for britboy. So the weekend is upon us. We have a packed weekend of Live music tonight delayed from last night. On the TV we have the Open, F1 and Moto GP some NRL and if the boys from last week are back some Hurling. Additions to our usual weekend promotion its now Called Draught Weekend. All reduced by 10Baht Weekend Promo in the bar is Draught Weekend, Cider 129B. Stout 145B
  8. What did you think of the music last night? Our music line up just gets better and better. D'trax trio were amazing. They will be back next Thursday. No music tonight as another bar is having a "we are desperate for money lets give away free food party" and fill the street with loud i cant hear myself talk music. Materialsman won for the Secrets forum he had already given me the answer indirectly at the beginning of the week. It was of course the blood fest film Sabotage. We had a bar winner yesterday Pat an avid reader so he tells me had read the book Total Recall only the other
  9. Today in the Bar we have a special Trio of Singers performing all the hits. kicks off at 8pm Last nights Blues was fantasic its good to have Nick back with the legend that is Patrick. Thankyou Guys see you next wednesday. Jacko won for the Talk forum with Graham Grey Davis. No one got the bar question a lot of you thought it was Red sonia but the answer was Conan the Destroyer. Bar question:What was the title of the autobiographical book published by Arnie in 2012? Forum/Facebook Question: In what film did Arnie play John 'Breacher' Wharton ? Come and try the new bitter and stout
  10. The weeks chugging along nicely lets give you some new products to make it even better. Another New Cider Thatchers Pear Cider 500ml 170baht very refreshing i been told. So come along and try it out. This now makes 19 options of Cider to choose from. As out Draught bar has proved a success with the Draught Cider how about we can a Beer and Stout on Tap. We now have SA Smooth and Brains Black for the special price of 155Baht a Pint. . Yesterday the winner was Kev Cov of Addicits for the answer Victor Fries again no one got the bar which was Junior. Bar Question: What was the tit
  11. Well another great start to the week no one guessed that the bar answer was 4. I also caught a lot of you out on the forums and facebook all those people that said Terminator were wrong. Jacko from pattayatalk forum managed to get the correct answer which was Terminator 2 – Judgement Day. Tonight we are have Haji back playing in the bar. We know how most of you love the live music and give to some exercise with a little dancing. Bar question: In which 1994 comedy movie did Arnie play a pregnant man? Forum Question: Mr Freeze was a character was played by him in the 1997 movie “Batm
  12. Morning everyone or if you stayed up last night to watch the Final Good afternoon. Lets clear up last weeks answers and winners before we get stuck into this week. So the Bar answer was London Bridge and lee won that one the forum went to Materialsman for Diamond Lights. This weeks Quiz Theme is Arnold Schwarzenegger its his 67th Birthday this month and with a new movie about to hit the screens i am paying homage to this action hero. Please stick to the rule no google for the bar question you have to be first in to answer to win the drink and for the Forum/Facebook page please PM the answ
  13. We are all back in full swing Happy hour all night for the World Cup Final. Draught Cider 129baht a pint. And to get you in the party mood that Pattaya is famous for we have Live music tonight with Haji from 8pm. The Triangle Bar YOU REALLY DO PAY LESS
  14. We Will Reopen tonight from Midnight. the 3rd and 4th play off of the world cup will be on at 3am and our happy hour buy one get one free will remain in place all night. Look forward to welcoming everyone back.
  15. We have extended our Cider range again to now include Stowford Press. Bottles are 140baht and the cans 150baht. Bringing our Cider range to a massive 18 different options who else in Pattaya can claim a bigger range? Well done to Thinkingallowed he's been very quiet the last few weeks but yesterday he struck back we a double answer getting the Forum correct with FINGERPRINTS he also got the bonus connection which links then all together that was FOOT. no one got the bar that was (MR) BIG. Its the Last day as Buddha days are upon us and that gives me a reason to have a well earned re
  16. Its State of Origin in the bar today will it be a white wash 3-0 or can they pull it back to a 2-1 defeat ??? kicks off 5pm in the bar Also Patrick is back tonight with a little bit of rock and roll and soft rock he will be playing live from 8pm. Can we give you more? YES WE CAN. football tonight kick off on the big screen from 3am with happy hour prices all night. phew that was a lot to remember. Yesterday we did a little better the forum was won by Ron with LOVE ME TENDER the forum didnt get won again the answer i was looking for was PRINCESS MICHAEL OF KENT. No one has guessed the con
  17. Yesterday didnt start off so well the answers were Forum: FAULT LINE and Bar: THE HURT LOCKER. Remember there all connected some how guess the connection Bar question: Which Elvis Presley song, based on the tune of a Civil War ballad, 'Aura Lee', was released in September 1956, two months before the movie of the same name? Forum Question: How did Baroness Marie Christine Agnes Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz become better known when she married into the British Royal Family in 1978? Todays Promo in the bar is Three Oaks Cider 80Baht each Dry Apple, Wildberry, Peach. The Triangle Bar YOU P
  18. Itssssss Mondayyyyyyyyyyyyyy want an action packed weekend of sport the F1 was smashing the Tennis was nail biting and the AFL well still confusing So as we enter the final week of the World Cup remember the Triangle Bar is the place to see all the Action and with happy hour prices throughout the games. We Spoil you too much. Please Remember that this week has Two Buddha Days the 11th and 12th NO ALCOHOL but you in luck as the play offs for third and fourth fall on the 13th so We will be open from midnight so you dont miss any games. This weeks Quiz has a connection with the answers
  19. Well done Clever Trevor who got both answers correct and didnt fall into the Trap of thinking Dark star was the Death Star in Staw wars. The answers were Alien for the bar and Darkstar for the forum.. Lots of sport on this weekend F1 FootBall Rugby, Nrl, Afl Weekend Promo in the bar is Draught Cider 129 a pint. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  20. Its Independence day today that was the answer to the bonus question that materialsman got two days ago and the reason we have a Sci-fi theme this week. So know one has ever watched the Alien movies the answers were, Ash and Bishop. Last day of the Sci-fi questions. Name the film in which the following space ships play a role: Bar Question: Nostromo Forum question: Dark Star Todays Promo in the bar is Leo 85Baht BOGOF. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  21. We know you love our bar lets see if we can make it a little better for you
  22. Well the Paint video was an outstanding success come back tonight to see how it end . Well done to MM for getting the forum answer which was playing music (Slim Whitman country music) no one got the bar answer which was Anti dandruff shampoo. Hard ones today Name the android in Bar Question: Alien Forum Question: Aliens Todays Promo in the bar is Three Oaks Cider 80Baht each Dry Apple, Wildberry, Peach. The Triangle Bar YOU PAY LESS
  23. No World cup on tonight but just so that you have something to watch i will be putting on a video of Paint Drying So get in early and watch all the action!!!! Well done to MM from PattayaTalk for getting the Forum Answer correct first. The answer was Philip K. Dick. The book is what the film Blade Runner is Based on. No one got the Bar question which was the late great Michael Crichton. More Sci-fi questions coming up: A Bonus question just for fun what Sci-fi film ties in with this week? Bar Question: What kills the aliens in the film Evolution. Forum Question: What kills the alie
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