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Displayed prices are for multiple nights. Check the site for price per night. I see hostels starting at 200b/day and hotels from 500b/day on agoda.


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Everything posted by Oscar

  1. Truly outstanding news, the worlds most worshipped Kiddy Fiddler is FINALLY off the streets AND dead!. Perfect!!. Now, what to do with life support system for a plastic head the inconsiderate cunt left behind under the guise of being a corpse?. Greenpeace won't let it be buried, burnt or recycled, surely. Well you can't do that with milk jugs anymore so... RIP my arse, farewell and fuck 'ya. O
  2. 'Yo Mr Marauder, I have never heard of the place either and had to do a google search to find it's on soi Diana which I know, but have still never seen or heard of the place!!. It's obviously there somewhere though, looks pretty nice and the 2000 per night freight is what they advertise. Soi Diana is off Second rd heading North on your right hand side, in the area of Mike dept, Tim bar, Green Bottle and oddly enough the Diana Inn if any of these places are familiar to you?, or about half a k north of Royal Garden. No problem with this location. Easy access to Walking st. mate, just cut down a
  3. For a start, my mistake sorry.. Flipper House is the newer one on soi 7 and Flipper Lodge is the original one on soi 8. Flipper House would be my pick and is the more popular of the two. Location wise, they are about 200m away from each other. Soi 7 and Soi 8 are only about 80m apart with a soi joining them together. Close to the "action" would be an understatement, I would guess there are about 150 or so beer bars right at your doorstep in these 2 soi's with probably 10 to 15 staff as an average in each. You do the math!. Some great eateries in the same immediate area also. I can't go into
  4. Defwez, the Flipper Lodge is the newer of the 2, but the Flipper House had all it's rooms renovated about a year ago. The Flipper Lodge is the more popular of the two as far as occupancy goes if that tells you anything. The two Flippers are not really considered "budget" hotels, and would be about a 3.5 star by Western standards. The Lodge has a great pool area and bar on about the 7th floor with a view over Pattaya bay. Have never looked at the rooms in the Apex, but believe they are ok, and the buffet breakfast is apparently pretty good also. The Lek hotel is 100 meters away and of the sam
  5. Marine 1 and 2 are still open. Marine 1 shuts pretty much on the dot at 2:00, but Marine 2 sometimes goes longer. The oldest words in the book on this topic are the truest, "just follow the crowd". Oscar.
  6. Just a quick note on Ibiza (Boom), had a quick look last night, well past 2:00am, and the joint is made to look like it's shut. Just go around the back and use that entrance. It was overcrowded to the max, hot beer and hotter aircon. Also note Tony's is now charging 170 baht for a Heineken. Oscar.
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